Cited By
View all- Xu MYang SWang DWu J(2014)Efficient Two Dimensional-IP routingComputer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking10.1016/j.bjp.2013.11.00459(227-243)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2014
Motivated by limitations in today's host-centric IP network, recent studies have proposed clean-slate network architectures centered around alternate first-class principals, such as content, services, or users. However, muchlike the host-centric IP ...
eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA) [1] is an architecture that natively supports multiple communication types and allows networks to evolve their abstractions and functionality to accommodate new styles of communication over time. XIA embeds an ...
Motivated by limitations in today's host-based IP network architecture, recent studies have proposed clean-slate network architectures centered around alternative first-class principals, such as content, services, or users. However, much like the host-...
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