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Privacy in mobile technology for personal healthcare

Published: 07 December 2012 Publication History


Information technology can improve the quality, efficiency, and cost of healthcare. In this survey, we examine the privacy requirements of mobile computing technologies that have the potential to transform healthcare. Such mHealth technology enables physicians to remotely monitor patients' health and enables individuals to manage their own health more easily. Despite these advantages, privacy is essential for any personal monitoring technology. Through an extensive survey of the literature, we develop a conceptual privacy framework for mHealth, itemize the privacy properties needed in mHealth systems, and discuss the technologies that could support privacy-sensitive mHealth systems. We end with a list of open research questions.


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John S Fitzgerald

When you are sick, everyone wants your data. Advances in mobile computing are helping to create systems that gather detailed data from patients in real-life settings, and convey it to clinicians for individualized care. This trove of data can also be used to inform research, to assist government with evidence-based decision making, or for insurers, or perhaps advertisers, for business purposes. The implications for privacy are considerable. The authors build a conceptual privacy framework for this model based on ten principles derived from a review of the many existing frameworks. Turning to privacy technology, the paper systematically reviews threats ranging from compromising identity, through access control and data integrity, to the loss of devices. It becomes challenging to select established security measures, such as encryption, to respond to these threats, especially in mobile computing, where power is limited. The paper identifies other open research questions. By far the most striking of these questions relates to the challenge of faithfully conveying the effects of access control decisions to lay people, and obtaining informed patient consent to the disclosure of data. Other major questions include privacy at the mobile node, enforcement of controls, data identity, anonymization, and accountability, and the trade-offs between these various issues. This thorough and informative paper provides a guide to privacy for researchers and practitioners in healthcare informatics. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published: 07 December 2012
Accepted: 01 July 2011
Revised: 01 May 2011
Received: 01 December 2009
Published in CSUR Volume 45, Issue 1


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  1. HIPAA
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  4. electronic health record
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  • (2024)A Triple-Layered Comparative Approach to Understanding New Privacy Policy Practices of Digital Platforms and Users in China After Implementation of the PIPLSocial Media + Society10.1177/2056305124130126510:4Online publication date: 28-Nov-2024
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