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10.1145/2464576.2464623acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesgeccoConference Proceedingsconference-collections

MOEA for clustering: comparison of mutation operators

Published: 06 July 2013 Publication History


Clustering is an important task in data mining. However, there are numerous conflicting measurements of what a good clustering solution is. Therefore, clustering is a task that is suitable for a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Mutation operators for these algorithms can be designed to explore a diverse range of solutions or focus upon individual solution quality. We propose using a hybrid technique that generates a wide range of solutions and then improves them with respect to the data. We create an experimental set-up to assess mutation operators with respect to Pareto front quality. Using this set-up we find that mutation operators that mutate solutions with respect to the data perform better but hybrid mutation techniques show promise.


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Index Terms

  1. MOEA for clustering: comparison of mutation operators



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    GECCO '13 Companion: Proceedings of the 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation
    July 2013
    1798 pages
    • Editor:
    • Christian Blum,
    • General Chair:
    • Enrique Alba
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 06 July 2013

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    Author Tags

    1. adaptive techniques
    2. clustering
    3. experimental comparison
    4. multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
    5. mutation operations


    • Abstract


    GECCO '13
    GECCO '13: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
    July 6 - 10, 2013
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    Overall Acceptance Rate 1,669 of 4,410 submissions, 38%


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