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BGP security in partial deployment: is the juice worth the squeeze?

Published: 27 August 2013 Publication History


As the rollout of secure route origin authentication with the RPKI slowly gains traction among network operators, there is a push to standardize secure path validation for BGP (i.e., S*BGP: S-BGP, soBGP, BGPSEC, etc.). Origin authentication already does much to improve routing security. Moreover, the transition to S*BGP is expected to be long and slow, with S*BGP coexisting in "partial deployment" alongside BGP for a long time. We therefore use theoretical and experimental approach to study the security benefits provided by partially-deployed S*BGP, vis-a-vis those already provided by origin authentication. Because routing policies have a profound impact on routing security, we use a survey of 100 network operators to find the policies that are likely to be most popular during partial S*BGP deployment. We find that S*BGP provides only meagre benefits over origin authentication when these popular policies are used. We also study the security benefits of other routing policies, provide prescriptive guidelines for partially-deployed S*BGP, and show how interactions between S*BGP and BGP can introduce new vulnerabilities into the routing system.


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    Published In

    cover image ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
    ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review  Volume 43, Issue 4
    October 2013
    595 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
    • cover image ACM Conferences
      SIGCOMM '13: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2013 conference on SIGCOMM
      August 2013
      580 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 27 August 2013
    Published in SIGCOMM-CCR Volume 43, Issue 4

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    Author Tags

    1. bgp
    2. partial deployment
    3. routing
    4. security


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