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When Location Meets Social Multimedia: A Survey on Vision-Based Recognition and Mining for Geo-Social Multimedia Analytics

Published: 26 March 2015 Publication History


Coming with the popularity of multimedia sharing platforms such as Facebook and Flickr, recent years have witnessed an explosive growth of geographical tags on social multimedia content. This trend enables a wide variety of emerging applications, for example, mobile location search, landmark recognition, scene reconstruction, and touristic recommendation, which range from purely research prototype to commercial systems. In this article, we give a comprehensive survey on these applications, covering recent advances in recognition and mining of geographical-aware social multimedia. We review related work in the past decade regarding to location recognition, scene summarization, tourism suggestion, 3D building modeling, mobile visual search and city navigation. At the end, we further discuss potential challenges, future topics, as well as open issues related to geo-social multimedia computing, recognition, mining, and analytics.


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  1. When Location Meets Social Multimedia: A Survey on Vision-Based Recognition and Mining for Geo-Social Multimedia Analytics



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          cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
          ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 6, Issue 1
          April 2015
          255 pages
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          Association for Computing Machinery

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          Publication History

          Published: 26 March 2015
          Accepted: 01 December 2013
          Revised: 01 October 2013
          Received: 01 August 2013
          Published in TIST Volume 6, Issue 1


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          1. Algorithms
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          3. image analysis
          4. knowledge representation
          5. multimedia systems


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