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10.1145/2618168.2618174acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesisdocConference Proceedingsconference-collections

How gamification can influence the web design and the customer to use the e-banking systems

Published: 16 May 2014 Publication History


The gamification is growing in e-business and the banks are looking for new ways to get more customers on their websites. Therefore, it is important to study what are the most appreciated features of the website that could influence the behaviour of the customer to use an electronic banking system with game features. The gamified e-banking suggests that rich elements/features associated with the games could influence other variables and therefore increasing the client loyalty, to spend more time and increasing the transactions on the website. The aim of this study is to look into the influence of gamification in the e-banking system. Based on the research of 180 publications and 210 variables that could influence the intention to use a certain technology this study develops a theoretical model representing the gamification influence on ease of use, information, web pages characteristics, web design and on the intention to use an e-banking with game features. The results from an online survey of 219 e-banking customers show that the gamification had a positive impact on all variables; special has a medium positive influence in web design and information and a large positive influence on customer intentions to use. Further analysis shows that the website ease of use plays has also a medium positive influence on the intention to use an e-banking gamified. Our findings also show that the clients give more importance to an attractive graphical and architecture website design, and less to web pages with so much information or having pleasure in using an e-banking system.


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ISDOC '14: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication
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Published: 16 May 2014


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  1. TAM
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  4. gamification
  5. loyalty
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