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10.1145/268946.268950acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespoplConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Data flow analysis is model checking of abstract interpretations

Published: 21 January 1998 Publication History


This expository paper simplifies and clarifies Steffen's depiction of data flow analysis (d.f.a.) as model checking: By employing abstract interpretation (a.i.) to generate program traces and by utilizing Kozen's modal mu-calculus to express trace properties, we express in simplest possible terms that a d.f.a. is a model check of a program's a.i. trace. In particular, the classic flow equations for bit-vector-based d.f.a.s reformat trivially into modal mu-Calculus formulas. A surprising consequence is that two of the classical d.f.a.s are exposed as unsound; this problem is analyzed and simply repaired. In the process of making the above discoveries, we clarify the relationship between a.i. and d.f.a. in terms of the often-misunderstood notion of collecting semantics and we highlight how the research areas of flow analysis, abstract interpretation, and model checking have grown together.


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POPL '98: Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages
January 1998
403 pages
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Published: 21 January 1998


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