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10.1145/2741948.2741972acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageseurosysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Putting consistency back into eventual consistency

Published: 17 April 2015 Publication History


Geo-replicated storage systems are at the core of current Internet services. The designers of the replication protocols used by these systems must choose between either supporting low-latency, eventually-consistent operations, or ensuring strong consistency to ease application correctness. We propose an alternative consistency model, Explicit Consistency, that strengthens eventual consistency with a guarantee to preserve specific invariants defined by the applications. Given these application-specific invariants, a system that supports Explicit Consistency identifies which operations would be unsafe under concurrent execution, and allows programmers to select either violation-avoidance or invariant-repair techniques. We show how to achieve the former, while allowing operations to complete locally in the common case, by relying on a reservation system that moves coordination off the critical path of operation execution. The latter, in turn, allows operations to execute without restriction, and restore invariants by applying a repair operation to the database state. We present the design and evaluation of Indigo, a middleware that provides Explicit Consistency on top of a causally-consistent data store. Indigo guarantees strong application invariants while providing similar latency to an eventually-consistent system in the common case.

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