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10.1145/2926676.2926690acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageslimitsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Are there limits to growth in data traffic?: on time use, data generation and speed

Published: 08 June 2016 Publication History


This discussion paper considers the nature of growth in data traffic across the Internet, as a basis for asking whether and how such growth might slow down or otherwise be limited. Over the last decade, data growth has been dramatic, and forecasts predict a similar ongoing pattern. Since this is associated with increasing electricity consumption, such a trend is significant to global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. In this paper, we selectively explore aspects of data growth that are linked to everyday practices and the way they draw upon and generate Internet data. We suggest that such growth does have some conceivable limits. However, the nature of 'Internet use' is changing and forms of growth are emerging that are more disconnected from human activity and time-use. This suggests that although there may well be limits, in principle, to some forms of growth, total data traffic seems likely to continue growing. This calls for careful attention to the nature of the trends involved, as a basis for intentionally building limits into this system before levels of Internet electricity demand becomes directly and more explicitly problematic.


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  1. Are there limits to growth in data traffic?: on time use, data generation and speed



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      LIMITS '16: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits
      June 2016
      106 pages
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      Published: 08 June 2016


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      LIMITS '16
      LIMITS '16: Workshop on Computing within Limits
      June 8 - 10, 2016
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