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10.1145/3126686.3126754acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Detecting Culture-specific Tags for News Videos through Multimodal Embedding

Published: 23 October 2017 Publication History


Many videos on the Web about international events are maintained in different countries, and some come with text descriptions from different cultural points of view. We introduce a new task-detecting culture-specific tags for news videos: given video keyframes and culture information, assign the most relevant tags with cultural preferences. We approach this problem by mapping visual and multilingual textual features into a joint latent space by reliable visual cues, by our proposed two-view pair-pair embedding and three-view embedding, through various canonical correlation analyses variants (Canonical Correlation Analysis, Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis, eneralize Canonical Correlation Analysis). For human-interest international events such as epidemics and transportation disasters, we proof that, for the same news event, tags of videos are significantly different in different cultures.


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Thematic Workshops '17: Proceedings of the on Thematic Workshops of ACM Multimedia 2017
October 2017
558 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 October 2017


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Author Tags

  1. canonical correlation analysis
  2. deep canonical correlation analysis
  3. generalized canonical correlation analysis
  4. multimodal embedding
  5. news video analysis
  6. news video tagging


  • Research-article

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MM '17
MM '17: ACM Multimedia Conference
October 23 - 27, 2017
California, Mountain View, USA


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