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10.1145/3131085.3131093acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmindtrekConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Off-the-shelf assessment of information ergonomics

Published: 20 September 2017 Publication History


Maintaining performance in ubiquitous work environments is increasingly dependent on the quality of physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics of work. Since most knowledge workers operate in digital work environments, there is a need to elaborate the study of work ergonomics particularly with respect to information ergonomics in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). The paper introduces the concept of information ergonomics (IE) and operationalizes it by specifying measures to use in studying knowledge work in the field. The empirical data were gathered from 35 participants, including application log data of PC use and heart rate variability data. Based on the empirical findings, the paper also reflects theoretical propositions for the development of IE research. The study contributes to the methodological development of IE research by operationalizing and validating measurement of IE and presents a practical assessment method.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)The Importance of the Study and Work Environment Ergonomics for Today’s and Future Managers and Logistics SpecialistsLOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics10.2478/logi-2022-001113:1(119-129)Online publication date: 28-Jul-2022
  • (2017)Employee-developed ways to enhance information ergonomicsProceedings of the 21st International Academic Mindtrek Conference10.1145/3131085.3131101(90-96)Online publication date: 20-Sep-2017

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  1. Off-the-shelf assessment of information ergonomics



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    AcademicMindtrek '17: Proceedings of the 21st International Academic Mindtrek Conference
    September 2017
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    Published: 20 September 2017


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    1. HRV
    2. in situ study
    3. information ergonomics
    4. logging
    5. stress


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    AcademicMindtrek'17: Annual Academic Mindtrek Conference
    September 20 - 21, 2017
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    • (2022)The Importance of the Study and Work Environment Ergonomics for Today’s and Future Managers and Logistics SpecialistsLOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics10.2478/logi-2022-001113:1(119-129)Online publication date: 28-Jul-2022
    • (2017)Employee-developed ways to enhance information ergonomicsProceedings of the 21st International Academic Mindtrek Conference10.1145/3131085.3131101(90-96)Online publication date: 20-Sep-2017

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