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10.1145/3132847.3132858acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescikmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Multi-Label Feature Selection using Correlation Information

Published: 06 November 2017 Publication History


High-dimensional multi-labeled data contain instances, where each instance is associated with a set of class labels and has a large number of noisy and irrelevant features. Feature selection has been shown to have great benefits in improving the classification performance in machine learning. In multi-label learning, to select the discriminative features among multiple labels, several challenges should be considered: interdependent labels, different instances may share different label correlations, correlated features, and missing and flawed labels. This work is part of a project at The Children's Hospital at Westmead (TB-CHW), Australia to explore the genomics of childhood leukaemia. In this paper, we propose a CMFS (Correlated- and Multi-label Feature Selection method), based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for simultaneously performing feature selection and addressing the aforementioned challenges. Significantly, a major advantage of our research is to exploit the correlation information contained in features, labels and instances to select the relevant features among multiple labels. Furthermore, l2,1 -norm regularization is incorporated in the objective function to undertake feature selection by imposing sparsity on the feature matrix rows. We employ CMFS to decompose the data and multi-label matrices into a low-dimensional space. To solve the objective function, an efficient iterative optimization algorithm is proposed with guaranteed convergence. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted on high-dimensional multi-labeled datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art multi-label feature selection methods.


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CIKM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
November 2017
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 06 November 2017


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  1. high dimensional data
  2. multi-label classification
  3. multi-label feature selection
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