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Register optimizations for stencils on GPUs

Published: 10 February 2018 Publication History


The recent advent of compute-intensive GPU architecture has allowed application developers to explore high-order 3D stencils for better computational accuracy. A common optimization strategy for such stencils is to expose sufficient data reuse by means such as loop unrolling, with the expectation of register-level reuse. However, the resulting code is often highly constrained by register pressure. While current state-of-the-art register allocators are satisfactory for most applications, they are unable to effectively manage register pressure for such complex high-order stencils, resulting in sub-optimal code with a large number of register spills. In this paper, we develop a statement reordering framework that models stencil computations as a DAG of trees with shared leaves, and adapts an optimal scheduling algorithm for minimizing register usage for expression trees. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through experimental results on a range of stencils extracted from application codes.

Supplementary Material

Artifacts Available (ppopp-artifact-1.0.0.zip)
The is the software accompanying the paper "Register Optimizations for Stencils on GPUs" that appears in PPoPP'18. The software proposes a source-to-source register reordering framework that can help alleviate register pressure for high-order stencils on GPUs.
The package contains: a. the source code for the reordering framework b. the examples used in the paper in the examples/ directory c. scripts for code installation and benchmarking.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    PPoPP '18: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
    February 2018
    442 pages
    • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
      ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 53, Issue 1
      PPoPP '18
      January 2018
      426 pages
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