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A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques

Published: 23 May 2018 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Many security and software testing applications require checking whether certain properties of a program hold for any possible usage scenario. For instance, a tool for identifying software vulnerabilities may need to rule out the existence of any backdoor to bypass a program’s authentication. One approach would be to test the program using different, possibly random inputs. As the backdoor may only be hit for very specific program workloads, automated exploration of the space of possible inputs is of the essence. Symbolic execution provides an elegant solution to the problem, by systematically exploring many possible execution paths at the same time without necessarily requiring concrete inputs. Rather than taking on fully specified input values, the technique abstractly represents them as symbols, resorting to constraint solvers to construct actual instances that would cause property violations. Symbolic execution has been incubated in dozens of tools developed over the past four decades, leading to major practical breakthroughs in a number of prominent software reliability applications. The goal of this survey is to provide an overview of the main ideas, challenges, and solutions developed in the area, distilling them for a broad audience.

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    ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 51, Issue 3
    May 2019
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    Publication History

    Published: 23 May 2018
    Accepted: 01 January 2018
    Revised: 01 December 2017
    Received: 01 October 2016
    Published in CSUR Volume 51, Issue 3


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    1. Symbolic execution
    2. concolic execution
    3. software testing
    4. static analysis


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    • Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers


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