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You Are Your Photographs: Detecting Multiple Identities of Vendors in the Darknet Marketplaces

Published: 29 May 2018 Publication History


Darknet markets are online services behind Tor where cybercriminals trade illegal goods and stolen datasets. In recent years, security analysts and law enforcement start to investigate the darknet markets to study the cybercriminal networks and predict future incidents. However, vendors in these markets often create multiple accounts (\em i.e., Sybils), making it challenging to infer the relationships between cybercriminals and identify coordinated crimes. In this paper, we present a novel approach to link the multiple accounts of the same darknet vendors through photo analytics. The core idea is that darknet vendors often have to take their own product photos to prove the possession of the illegal goods, which can reveal their distinct photography styles. To fingerprint vendors, we construct a series deep neural networks to model the photography styles. We apply transfer learning to the model training, which allows us to accurately fingerprint vendors with a limited number of photos. We evaluate the system using real-world datasets from 3 large darknet markets (7,641 vendors and 197,682 product photos). A ground-truth evaluation shows that the system achieves an accuracy of 97.5%, outperforming existing stylometry-based methods in both accuracy and coverage. In addition, our system identifies previously unknown Sybil accounts within the same markets (23) and across different markets (715 pairs). Further case studies reveal new insights into the coordinated Sybil activities such as price manipulation, buyer scam, and product stocking and reselling.


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ASIACCS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security
May 2018
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 29 May 2018


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  1. darknet market
  2. image analysis
  3. stylometry
  4. sybil detection


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