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10.1145/3205289.3205305acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Rethinking Node Allocation Strategy for Data-intensive Applications in Consideration of Spatially Bursty I/O

Published: 12 June 2018 Publication History


Job scheduling in HPC systems by default allocate adjacent compute nodes for jobs for lower communication overhead. However, it is no longer applicable to data-intensive jobs running on systems with I/O forwarding layer, where each I/O node performs I/O on behalf of a subset of compute nodes in the vicinity. Under the default node allocation strategy a job's nodes are located close to each other and thus it only uses a limited number of I/O nodes. Since the I/O activities of jobs are bursty, at any moment only a minority of jobs in the system are busy processing I/O. Consequently, the bursty I/O traffic in the system is also concentrated in space, making the load on I/O nodes highly unbalanced. In this paper, we use the job logs and I/O traces collected from Tianhe-1A to quantitatively analyze the two causes of spatially bursty I/O, including uneven I/O traffic of job's processes and uneven distribution of job's nodes. Based on the analysis we propose a node allocation strategy that takes account of processes' different amounts of I/O traffic, so that the I/O traffic can be processed by more I/O nodes more evenly. Our evaluations on Tianhe-1A with synthetic benchmarks and realistic applications show that the proposed strategy can further exploit the potential of I/O forwarding layer and promote the I/O performance.


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  1. Rethinking Node Allocation Strategy for Data-intensive Applications in Consideration of Spatially Bursty I/O



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    ICS '18: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Supercomputing
    June 2018
    407 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 12 June 2018


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    Author Tags

    1. I/O Forwarding
    2. Information Entropy
    3. Job Scheduling
    4. Node Allocation
    5. Spatially Bursty I/O


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    • (2023)DFBuffer: High-performance data forwarding software optimized for single-process I/O scenarios2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS)10.1109/ICPADS56603.2022.00074(522-529)Online publication date: Jan-2023
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