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Mitigating Load Imbalance in Distributed Data Serving with Rack-Scale Memory Pooling

Published: 09 April 2019 Publication History


To provide low-latency and high-throughput guarantees, most large key-value stores keep the data in the memory of many servers. Despite the natural parallelism across lookups, the load imbalance, introduced by heavy skew in the popularity distribution of keys, limits performance. To avoid violating tail latency service-level objectives, systems tend to keep server utilization low and organize the data in micro-shards, which provides units of migration and replication for the purpose of load balancing. These techniques reduce the skew but incur additional monitoring, data replication, and consistency maintenance overheads.
In this work, we introduce RackOut, a memory pooling technique that leverages the one-sided remote read primitive of emerging rack-scale systems to mitigate load imbalance while respecting service-level objectives. In RackOut, the data are aggregated at rack-scale granularity, with all of the participating servers in the rack jointly servicing all of the rack’s micro-shards. We develop a queuing model to evaluate the impact of RackOut at the datacenter scale. In addition, we implement a RackOut proof-of-concept key-value store, evaluate it on two experimental platforms based on RDMA and Scale-Out NUMA, and use these results to validate the model. We devise two distinct approaches to load balancing within a RackOut unit, one based on random selection of nodes—RackOut_static—and another one based on an adaptive load balancing mechanism—RackOut_adaptive. Our results show that RackOut_static increases throughput by up to 6× for RDMA and 8.6&times for Scale-Out NUMA compared to a scale-out deployment, while respecting tight tail latency service-level objectives. RackOut_adaptive improves the throughput by 30% for workloads with 20% of writes over RackOut_static.


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    ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 36, Issue 2
    May 2018
    112 pages
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    Publication History

    Published: 09 April 2019
    Accepted: 01 January 2019
    Revised: 01 April 2018
    Received: 01 March 2017
    Published in TOCS Volume 36, Issue 2


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    Author Tags

    1. CREW
    2. RDMA
    3. Rack-scale systems
    4. SLO
    5. key-value stores
    6. latency-critical applications
    7. load imbalance
    8. one-sided operations
    9. tail latency


    • Research-article
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    Funding Sources

    • Nano-Tera YINS project
    • CHIST-ERA DIVIDEND project
    • Scale-Out NUMA project of the Microsoft-EPFL Joint Research Center


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