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Grizzly: Efficient Stream Processing Through Adaptive Query Compilation

Published: 31 May 2020 Publication History


Stream Processing Engines (SPEs) execute long-running queries on unbounded data streams. They follow an interpretation-based processing model and do not perform runtime optimizations. This limits the utilization of modern hardware and neglects changing data characteristics at runtime. In this paper, we present Grizzly, a novel adaptive query compilation-based SPE, to enable highly efficient query execution. We extend query compilation and task-based parallelization for the unique requirements of stream processing and apply adaptive compilation to enable runtime re-optimizations. The combination of light-weight statistic gathering with just-in-time compilation enables Grizzly to adjust to changing data-characteristics dynamically at runtime. Our experiments show that Grizzly outperforms state-of-the-art SPEs by up to an order of magnitude in throughput.

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Published: 31 May 2020


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  1. adaptive query processing
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  5. query compilation
  6. stream processing


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