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10.1145/3341216.3342207acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescommConference Proceedingsconference-collections

NetBOA: Self-Driving Network Benchmarking

Published: 14 August 2019 Publication History


Communication networks have not only become a critical infrastructure of our digital society, but are also increasingly complex and hence error-prone. This has recently motivated the study of more automated and "self-driving" networks: networks which measure, analyze, and control themselves in an adaptive manner, reacting to changes in the environment. In particular, such networks hence require a mechanism to recognize potential performance issues.
This paper presents NetBOA, an adaptive and "data-driven" approach to measure network performance, allowing the network to identify bottlenecks and to perform automated what-if analysis, exploring improved network configurations. As a case study, we demonstrate how the NetBOA approach can be used to bench-mark a popular software switch, Open vSwitch. We report on our implementation and evaluation, and show that NetBOA can find performance issues efficiently, compared to a non-data-driven approach. Our results hence indicate that NetBOA may also be useful to identify algorithmic complexity attacks.

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NetAI'19: Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML
August 2019
96 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 August 2019


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  1. automated network measurements
  2. automated performance analysis
  3. bayesian optimization
  4. self-driving networks


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

Funding Sources


SIGCOMM '19: ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference
August 23, 2019
Beijing, China

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NetAI'19 Paper Acceptance Rate 13 of 38 submissions, 34%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 13 of 38 submissions, 34%


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