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10.1145/3373718.3394750acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageslicsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Fixed-Point Logic

Published: 08 July 2020 Publication History


Finite-domain constraint satisfaction problems are either solvable by Datalog, or not even expressible in fixed-point logic with counting. The border between the two regimes can be described by a strong height-one Maltsev condition. For infinite-domain CSPs, the situation is more complicated even if the template structure of the CSP is model-theoretically tame. We prove that there is no Maltsev condition that characterizes Datalog already for the CSPs of first-order reducts of (Q; <); such CSPs are called temporal CSPs and are of fundamental importance in infinite-domain constraint satisfaction. Our main result is a complete classification of temporal CSPs that can be expressed in one of the following logical formalisms: Datalog, fixed-point logic (with or without counting), or fixed-point logic with the Boolean rank operator. The classification shows that many of the equivalent conditions in the finite fail to capture expressibility in Datalog or fixed-point logic already for temporal CSPs.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)Smooth approximations and CSPs over finitely bounded homogeneous structuresProceedings of the 37th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science10.1145/3531130.3533353(1-13)Online publication date: 2-Aug-2022
  • (2021)Solving equation systems in ω-categorical algebrasJournal of Mathematical Logic10.1142/S0219061321500203(2150020)Online publication date: 6-Jan-2021
  • (2020)ASNP: A Tame Fragment of Existential Second-Order LogicBeyond the Horizon of Computability10.1007/978-3-030-51466-2_13(149-162)Online publication date: 24-Jun-2020



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cover image ACM Conferences
LICS '20: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
July 2020
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 08 July 2020


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  1. Maltsev conditions
  2. fixed-point logic
  3. temporal constraint satisfaction problems


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  • (2022)Smooth approximations and CSPs over finitely bounded homogeneous structuresProceedings of the 37th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science10.1145/3531130.3533353(1-13)Online publication date: 2-Aug-2022
  • (2021)Solving equation systems in ω-categorical algebrasJournal of Mathematical Logic10.1142/S0219061321500203(2150020)Online publication date: 6-Jan-2021
  • (2020)ASNP: A Tame Fragment of Existential Second-Order LogicBeyond the Horizon of Computability10.1007/978-3-030-51466-2_13(149-162)Online publication date: 24-Jun-2020

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