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10.1145/3395260.3395276acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicmaiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Chinese relation extraction based on lattice network improved with BERT model

Published: 29 May 2020 Publication History


Relation classification is a basic and important task in the field of natural language processing(NLP). There are already many researches on English dataset, but the researches on Chinese dataset are very few. Due to the particularity of Chinese language, most existing methods suffer from the two main problems of segmentation error and polysemy. To sum up, the problem of segmentation error can be solved fairly well by many models, take lattice model for example, which can segment Chinese word precisely. But the problem of polysemy has not received enough attention. In this paper, we take advantage of BERT model to deal with the problem of polysemy. The experimental results show that our model achieves good result and outperforms baseline model.


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Index Terms

  1. Chinese relation extraction based on lattice network improved with BERT model



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    ICMAI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
    April 2020
    252 pages
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    • Southwest Jiaotong University
    • Xihua University: Xihua University


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 29 May 2020


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    Author Tags

    1. BERT model
    2. Lattice network
    3. Polysemy
    4. Relation classification
    5. Segmentation error


    • Research-article
    • Research
    • Refereed limited


    ICMAI 2020


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    • (2023)A Precise Text-to-Diagram Generation Method for Elementary Geometry2023 20th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP)10.1109/ICCWAMTIP60502.2023.10387090(1-7)Online publication date: 15-Dec-2023
    • (2022)A Chinese Multi-modal Relation Extraction Model for Internet Security of Finance2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W)10.1109/DSN-W54100.2022.00029(123-128)Online publication date: Jun-2022

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