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A New Error-Modeling of Hardy’s Paradox for Superconducting Qubits and Its Experimental Verification

Published: 02 October 2020 Publication History


Hardy’s paradox (equivalently, Hardy’s non-locality or Hardy’s test) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2981 (1992)] is used to show non-locality without inequalities, and it has been tested several times using optical circuits. We, for the first time, experimentally test Hardy’s paradox of non-locality in superconducting qubits. For practical verification of Hardy’s paradox, we argue that the error-modeling used in optical circuits is not useful for superconducting qubits. So, we propose a new error-modeling for Hardy’s paradox and a new method to estimate the lower bound on Hardy’s probability (i.e., the probability of a specific event in Hardy’s test) for superconducting qubits. Our results confirmed the theory that any non-maximally entangled state of two qubits violates Hardy’s equations; whereas, any maximally entangled state and product state of two qubits do not exhibit Hardy’s non-locality. Further, we point out the difficulties associated with the practical implementation of quantum protocols based on Hardy’s paradox and propose possible remedies. We also propose two performance measures for any two qubits of any quantum computer based on superconducting qubits.


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  1. A New Error-Modeling of Hardy’s Paradox for Superconducting Qubits and Its Experimental Verification



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    ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing  Volume 1, Issue 1
    December 2020
    139 pages
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    Publication History

    Published: 02 October 2020
    Online AM: 06 May 2020
    Accepted: 01 April 2020
    Revised: 01 April 2020
    Received: 01 November 2019
    Published in TQC Volume 1, Issue 1

    Author Tags

    1. Hardy’s paradox
    2. IBM quantum computer
    3. error-modeling
    4. non-locality
    5. quantum correlations
    6. superconducting qubits


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