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10.1145/3416028.3416045acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesimmsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Leadership that Facilitates the Successful Implementation of Lean Six Sigma

Published: 21 September 2020 Publication History


Researchers have identified leadership as a critical success factor for Lean Six Sigma implementation. It is essential to understand leadership behaviours that facilitate the use of Lean Six Sigma. This paper aims to identify leadership styles from the literature that can facilitate Lean Six Sigma implementation, which in turn broaden the current understanding of the suitable leadership styles. Also, the authors aim to explore how leadership styles can enhance Lean Six Sigma operations. The authors systematically reviewed the literature on leadership styles and Lean Six Sigma. The results determined the leadership styles that can enable the use of Lean Six Sigma successfully. These leadership styles are as follows: situational (task-oriented or relation-oriented behaviour), transformational, servant, authentic, empowering, and distributed leadership. The authors provide a better understanding for practitioners and researchers from existing literature on how leaders' behaviours can enhance Lean Six Sigma implementation. It is not clear which style is the most dominant and effective. There is a lack in interpreting how these leadership styles linked to Lean Six Sigma implementation. There is a lack of empirical evidence most of the studies depended on a theoretical base. Very few studies have focused on leadership styles and Six Sigma success; to the best of the authors' knowledge only one paper has studied this. Also, there is scarcity in papers that addressed leadership styles that facilitate Lean Six Sigma implementation. This paper initiates a call to study Lean Six Sigma rather than focus only on either Lean or Six Sigma. This proposition guides future research based on the view that Lean management can share underlying assumptions with Lean Six Sigma characteristics. However, the mean limitation of this review is the use of specific keywords and database to identify studies.


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  1. Leadership that Facilitates the Successful Implementation of Lean Six Sigma



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    • (2024)Leadership behaviours for Lean Six Sigma: Jordan as a case studyInternational Journal of Lean Six Sigma10.1108/IJLSS-08-2022-018115:7(1530-1554)Online publication date: 21-May-2024
    • (2021)Critical success factors of Lean Six Sigma from leaders’ perspectiveInternational Journal of Lean Six Sigma10.1108/IJLSS-06-2020-007912:5(1073-1088)Online publication date: 15-Feb-2021

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