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A Tale of Two Entities: Contextualizing the Security of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on the Power Grid

Published: 27 March 2021 Publication History


With the growing market of Electric Vehicles (EV), the procurement of their charging infrastructure plays a crucial role in their adoption. Within the revolution of Internet of Things, the EV charging infrastructure is getting on board with the introduction of smart Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS), a myriad set of communication protocols, and different entities. We provide in this article an overview of this infrastructure detailing the participating entities and the communication protocols. Further, we contextualize the current deployment of EVCSs through the use of available public data. In the light of such a survey, we identify two key concerns, the lack of standardization and multiple points of failures, which renders the current deployment of EV charging infrastructure vulnerable to an array of different attacks. Moreover, we propose a novel attack scenario that exploits the unique characteristics of the EVCSs and their protocol (such as high power wattage and support for reverse power flow) to cause disturbances to the power grid. We investigate three different attack variations; sudden surge in power demand, sudden surge in power supply, and a switching attack. To support our claims, we showcase using a real-world example how an adversary can compromise an EVCS and create a traffic bottleneck by tampering with the charging schedules of EVs. Further, we perform a simulation-based study of the impact of our proposed attack variations on the WSCC 9 bus system. Our simulations show that an adversary can cause devastating effects on the power grid, which might result in blackout and cascading failure by comprising a small number of EVCSs.


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    ACM Transactions on Internet of Things  Volume 2, Issue 2
    May 2021
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    Published: 27 March 2021
    Accepted: 01 November 2020
    Revised: 01 September 2020
    Received: 01 February 2020
    Published in TIOT Volume 2, Issue 2


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