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10.1145/3448016.3457273acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Chucky: A Succinct Cuckoo Filter for LSM-Tree

Published: 18 June 2021 Publication History


Modern key-value stores typically rely on an LSM-tree in storage (SSD) to handle writes and Bloom filters in memory (DRAM) to optimize reads. With ongoing advances in SSD technology shrinking the performance gap between storage and memory devices, the Bloom filters are now emerging as a performance bottleneck.
We propose Chucky, a new design that replaces the multiple Bloom filters by a single Cuckoo filter that maps each data entry to an auxiliary address of its location within the LSM-tree. We show that while such a design entails fewer memory accesses than with Bloom filters, its false positive rate off the bat is higher. The reason is that the auxiliary addresses occupy bits that would otherwise be used as parts of the Cuckoo filter's fingerprints. To address this, we harness techniques from information theory to succinctly encode the auxiliary addresses so that the fingerprints can stay large. As a result, Chucky achieves the best of both worlds: a modest access cost and a low false positive rate at the same time.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3448016.3457273.mp4)
Modern persistent key-value stores rely on an LSM-tree in storage (SSD) to optimize writes and Bloom filters in memory (DRAM) to optimize reads. In this work, we show that the Bloom filters are creeping as a performance bottleneck. First, the costs of probing and constructing them grow with data size. Second, their costs are becoming more pronounced as storage access on modern SSDs is becoming less expensive relative to memory access. Recently, a new slew of data structures has emerged as an alternative to Bloom filters. They work by storing a fingerprint for every data entry within a compact hash table. We call them Fingerprint Filters (FFs). In this paper, we show how to scale an LSM-tree's memory bandwidth by replacing its Bloom filters with an FF that's augmented with every entry's location within the LSM-tree. However, we show that this new design does not scale out-of-the-box in terms of its false positive rate (FPR). The culprit is the auxiliary location information, which grows superlinarly with the data size, thus taking away bits from the fingerprints. By harnessing information theory and compression techniques, we show how to scale the size of this location information to keep the FPR small as the data grows. In this way, we show how to achieve the best of both worlds: scalable memory and storage bandwidth at the same time.


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  1. Huffman coding
  2. LSM-tree
  3. bloom filter
  4. cuckoo filter
  5. entropy encoding
  6. succinct data structures


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