Vertex-centric Parallel Computation of SQL Queries
Pages 1664 - 1677
We present a scheme for parallel execution of SQL queries on top of any vertex-centric BSP graph processing engine. The scheme comprises a graph encoding of relational instances and a vertex program specification of our algorithm called TAG-join, which matches the theoretical communication and computation complexity of state-of-the-art join algorithms. When run on top of the vertex-centric TigerGraph database engine on a single multi-core server, TAG-join exploits thread parallelism and is competitive with (and often outperforms) reference RDBMSs on the TPC benchmarks they are traditionally tuned for. In a distributed cluster, TAG-join outperforms the popular Spark SQL engine.
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Index Terms
- Vertex-centric Parallel Computation of SQL Queries
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Published In
June 2021
2969 pages
- General Chairs:
- Guoliang Li,
- Zhanhuai Li,
- Program Chairs:
- Stratos Idreos,
- Divesh Srivastava
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Association for Computing Machinery
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