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CoStar: a verified ALL(*) parser

Published: 18 June 2021 Publication History


Parsers are security-critical components of many software systems, and verified parsing therefore has a key role to play in secure software design. However, existing verified parsers for context-free grammars are limited in their expressiveness, termination properties, or performance characteristics. They are only compatible with a restricted class of grammars, they are not guaranteed to terminate on all inputs, or they are not designed to be performant on grammars for real-world programming languages and data formats.
In this work, we present CoStar, a verified parser that addresses these limitations. The parser is implemented with the Coq Proof Assistant and is based on the ALL(*) parsing algorithm. CoStar is sound and complete for all non-left-recursive grammars; it produces a correct parse tree for its input whenever such a tree exists, and it correctly detects ambiguous inputs. CoStar also provides strong termination guarantees; it terminates without error on all inputs when applied to a non-left-recursive grammar. Finally, CoStar achieves linear-time performance on a range of unambiguous grammars for commonly used languages and data formats.


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cover image ACM Conferences
PLDI 2021: Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
June 2021
1341 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 18 June 2021


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