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View all- Mizokami TBou SAmagasa T(2024)Subtree Similarity Search Based on Structure and TextBig Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery10.1007/978-3-031-68323-7_6(72-87)Online publication date: 26-Aug-2024
Given a query tree Q, the top-k subtree similarity query retrieves the k subtrees in a large document tree T that are closest to Q in terms of tree edit distance. The classical solution scans the entire document, which is slow. The state-of-the-art ...
This article proposes an approximation of the tree edit distance through the string edit distance for binary tree codes, instead of for Euler strings introduced by Akutsu (2006). Here, a binary tree code is a string obtained by traversing a binary tree ...
The LCS of two rooted, ordered, and labeled trees F and G is the largest forest that can be obtained from both trees by deleting nodes. We present algorithms for computing tree LCS which exploit the sparsity inherent to the tree LCS problem. Assuming G ...
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