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10.1145/3460120.3484554acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Multi-Threshold Byzantine Fault Tolerance

Published: 13 November 2021 Publication History


Classic Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) protocols are designed for a specific timing model, most often one of the following: synchronous, asynchronous or partially synchronous. It is well known that the timing model and fault tolerance threshold present inherent trade-offs. Synchronous protocols tolerate up to n/2 Byzantine faults, while asynchronous or partially synchronous protocols tolerate only up to n/3 Byzantine faults. In this work, we generalize the fault thresholds of BFT and introduce a new problem called multi-threshold BFT. Multi-threshold BFT has four separate fault thresholds for safety and liveness under synchrony and asynchrony (or partial-synchrony), respectively. Decomposing the fault thresholds in this way allows us to design protocols that provide meaningful fault tolerance under both synchrony and asynchrony (or partial synchrony). We establish tight fault thresholds bounds for multi-threshold BFT and present protocols achieving them. As an example, we show a BFT state machine replication (SMR) protocol that tolerates up to 2n/3 faults for safety under synchrony while tolerating up to n/3 faults for other scenarios (liveness under synchrony as well as safety and liveness under partial synchrony). This is strictly stronger than classic partially synchronous SMR protocols. We also present a general framework to transform known partially synchronous or asynchronous BFT SMR protocols to additionally enjoy the optimal 2n/3 fault tolerance for safety under synchrony.

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A Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) distributed algorithm solves the desired problem even in the presence of a certain threshold of malicious nodes. Classic BFT design first selects its timing assumption and a fault threshold, which present an inherent trade-off. We generalize the BFT problem and introduce Multi-threshold BFT, which has four fault thresholds for safety and liveness under synchrony and asynchrony separately. This separation of fault thresholds provides us with a new insight: It is possible to tolerate higher fault for safety under synchrony without compromising the other thresholds. As an example, we present a BFT SMR protocol that tolerates 2n/3 faults for safety under synchrony while preserving the classic n/3 fault tolerance for the other cases. We believe this result helps improve the security of safety-critical systems in the real world.


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