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Augmented Reality Applications to Support the Promotion of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Basilica of Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Galatina

Published: 16 July 2021 Publication History


The intent of this study is to promote and raise awareness of the Basilica of Saint Catherina of Alexandria in Galatina, a church endowed with such beauty as to be defined as astounding.
In this article two technologies were used: Spatial Augmented Reality, better known as videomapping, to valorize the monument and narrate its story through images and sounds; and Augmented Reality, to facilitate the reading and interpretation of the most important frescoes located along all the internal walls of the Basilica. The goal is to create a unique path starting from the Basilica façade and continuing and winding through the interior spaces. One of the most extensive and best conserved cycles of Late Gothic frescoes in all of Europe unfolds on the nave of the church covering every corner, from the keystones down to the floor.
An in-depth bibliographic research confirmed the presence of frescoes also on the exterior of the Basilica façade whose traces, however, are no longer visible today. Pietro Cavoti’ s illustrations give an idea of how the façade has changed over the years, before, during, and after the restorations that permanently removed the already faint traces of frescoes.
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how the combined use of these technologies can be considered a valid aid to support the enhancement, fruition, and understanding of a monument that is very important for the cultural heritage sector and a reference point for the local and religious community.


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  1. Augmented Reality Applications to Support the Promotion of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Basilica of Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Galatina



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      Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage   Volume 14, Issue 4
      December 2021
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      Published: 16 July 2021
      Accepted: 01 April 2021
      Revised: 01 February 2021
      Received: 01 September 2020
      Published in JOCCH Volume 14, Issue 4


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