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Wavoice: A Noise-resistant Multi-modal Speech Recognition System Fusing mmWave and Audio Signals

Published: 15 November 2021 Publication History


With the advance in automatic speech recognition, voice user interface has gained popularity recently. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, VUI is increasingly preferred in online communication due to its non-contact. Additionally, various ambient noise impedes the public applications of voice user interfaces due to the requirement of audio-only speech recognition methods for a high signal-to-noise ratio. In this paper, we present Wavoice, the first noise-resistant multi-modal speech recognition system that fuses two distinct voice sensing modalities, i.e., millimeter-wave (mmWave) signals and audio signals from a microphone, together. One key contribution is that we model the inherent correlation between mmWave and audio signals. Based on it, Wavoice facilitates the real-time noise-resistant voice activity detection and user targeting from multiple speakers. Furthermore, we elaborate on two novel modules into the neural attention mechanism for multi-modal signals fusion, and result in accurate speech recognition. Extensive experiments verify Wavoice's effectiveness under various conditions with the character recognition error rate below 1% in a range of 7 meters. Wavoice outperforms existing audio-only speech recognition methods with lower character error rate and word error rate. The evaluation in complex scenes validates the robustness of Wavoice.


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    SenSys '21: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
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