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Identifying ASes of state-owned internet operators

Published: 02 November 2021 Publication History


In this paper we present and apply a methodology to accurately identify state-owned Internet operators worldwide and their Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). Obtaining an accurate dataset of ASNs of state-owned Internet operators enables studies where state ownership is an important dimension, including research related to Internet censorship and surveillance, cyber-warfare and international relations, ICT development and digital divide, critical infrastructure protection, and public policy. Our approach is based on a multi-stage, in-depth manual analysis of datasets that are highly diverse in nature. We find that each of these datasets contributes in different ways to the classification process and we identify limitations and shortcomings of these data sources. We obtain the first data set of this type, make it available to the research community together with the several lessons we learned in the process, and perform a preliminary analysis based on our data. We find that 53% (i.e., 123) of the world's countries are majority owners of Internet operators, highlighting that this is a widespread phenomenon. We also find and document the existence of subsidiaries of state-owned governments operating in foreign countries, an aspect that touches every continent and particularly affects Africa. We hope that this work and the associated data set will inspire and enable a broad set of Internet measurement studies and interdisciplinary research.


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