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Using Personality Detection Tools for Software Engineering Research: How Far Can We Go?

Published: 09 April 2022 Publication History


Assessing the personality of software engineers may help to match individual traits with the characteristics of development activities such as code review and testing, as well as support managers in team composition. However, self-assessment questionnaires are not a practical solution for collecting multiple observations on a large scale. Instead, automatic personality detection, while overcoming these limitations, is based on off-the-shelf solutions trained on non-technical corpora, which might not be readily applicable to technical domains like software engineering. In this article, we first assess the performance of general-purpose personality detection tools when applied to a technical corpus of developers’ e-mails retrieved from the public archives of the Apache Software Foundation. We observe a general low accuracy of predictions and an overall disagreement among the tools. Second, we replicate two previous research studies in software engineering by replacing the personality detection tool used to infer developers’ personalities from pull-request discussions and e-mails. We observe that the original results are not confirmed, i.e., changing the tool used in the original study leads to diverging conclusions. Our results suggest a need for personality detection tools specially targeted for the software engineering domain.


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  1. Using Personality Detection Tools for Software Engineering Research: How Far Can We Go?



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    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 31, Issue 3
    July 2022
    912 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 09 April 2022
    Online AM: 31 January 2022
    Accepted: 01 October 2021
    Revised: 01 September 2021
    Received: 01 April 2021
    Published in TOSEM Volume 31, Issue 3


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    1. Computational personality detection
    2. automatic personality recognition
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    4. Five-Factor Model
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    6. negative results
    7. LIWC
    8. IBM personality insights


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