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Staging with class: a specification for typed template Haskell

Published: 12 January 2022 Publication History


Multi-stage programming using typed code quotation is an established technique for writing optimizing code generators with strong type-safety guarantees. Unfortunately, quotation in Haskell interacts poorly with type classes, making it difficult to write robust multi-stage programs.
We study this unsound interaction and propose a resolution, staged type class constraints, which we formalize in a source calculus λ that elaborates into an explicit core calculus F. We show type soundness of both calculi, establishing that well-typed, well-staged source programs always elaborate to well-typed, well-staged core programs, and prove beta and eta rules for code quotations.
Our design allows programmers to incorporate type classes into multi-stage programs with confidence. Although motivated by Haskell, it is also suitable as a foundation for other languages that support both overloading and quotation.

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Multi-stage programming using typed code quotation is an established technique for writing optimizing code generators with strong type-safety guarantees. Unfortunately, quotation in Haskell interacts poorly with type classes, making it difficult to write robust multi-stage programs. We study this unsound interaction and propose a resolution, staged type class constraints, which we formalize in a source calculus $\lambda^{\llbracket\Rightarrow\rrbracket}$ that elaborates into an explicit core calculus $F^{\llbracket\rrbracket}$. We show type soundness of both calculi, establishing that well-typed, well-staged source programs always elaborate to well-typed, well-staged core programs, and prove beta and eta rules for code quotations. Our design allows programmers to incorporate type classes into multi-stage programs with confidence. Although motivated by Haskell, it is also suitable as a foundation for other languages that support both overloading and quotation.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 6, Issue POPL
January 2022
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 12 January 2022
Published in PACMPL Volume 6, Issue POPL


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  1. Staging
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  3. Typed Template Haskell


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