1.1 Motivation
With knowledge graphs covering many different topical domains, mentions of entities in documents can be linked to knowledge graphs. Knowledge graph-assisted question-answering and exploratory search are becoming very important. These applications typically involve different types of retrieval tasks, querying, or extracting pieces of knowledge from the knowledge graphs. Knowledge graph completion task, for example, is a kind of knowledge retrieval task that predicts entities connecting to a given query-entity via a specific relation. Knowledge-based question-answering is another task that aims to answer factual questions by searching relations in a knowledge graph connecting some question entity to the answer entities [
57]. Both tasks address the “what” questions (i.e., what are the possible items that could be recommended to the user?) but not the “how” and “why” questions (i.e., how does this item appeal to the use? Why should we recommend this item to the user?). To cope with the latter, we need a different type of knowledge retrieval task that returns relevant parts of the knowledge graph as answers or part of answers.
In this article, we thus propose a novel knowledge retrieval task called contextual path retrieval. Unlike knowledge-based completion and question-answering, contextual path retrieval requires a good understanding of the query context before the correct answers can be returned. The query in this case is a pair of input entities mentioned in some document, and the answer is a path connecting the entities extracted from the knowledge graph. To the best of our knowledge, this task has not yet been studied, and it represents an early attempt to mimic the human wisdom in establishing contextual connections between two entities. We shall elaborate on the task definition below.
1.2 Research Objective
Contextual path retrieval (CPR) is defined as the task of finding path(s) between a pair of query entities in a knowledge graph to explain the connection between them when they appear together in a given context. In this definition, the two query entities form the input query and the result path is invariant to the query entity order. We define the context to be a document covering some common topic or event. The knowledge graph contains the entities and relations from which every result path is to be retrieved.
Example: Consider this query: “Why is Roger Moore related to Daniel Craig in the context of a movie entertainment news article?” Roger Moore and Daniel Craig are the two input query entities, and the movie entertainment news is the context. Here, the background knowledge graph is assumed to be movie related entities and relations extracted from DBpedia. For this pair of query entities, the correct result is a path with two relations, \({\it Roger Moore}\ \xleftarrow {{\bf Portrayer}}\ {\it James Bond}\), and \({\it James Bond}\ \xrightarrow {{\bf Portrayer}}\ {\it Daniel Craig}\). In the example, there could be several other paths connecting the input entities (e.g., \({\it Roger Moore}\ \xrightarrow {{\bf Nationality}}\ {\it British}\), and \({\it Daniel Craig}\ \xrightarrow {{\bf Nationality}}\ {\it British}\)) but they are not relevant to the context and hence not included in the CPR result. In some cases, a query may have no paths as results. It could be that the knowledge graph does not have a path between the two query entities. Second, there may be path(s) but none is relevant to the query context. While the former can be easily handled, the latter requires relevant paths to be accurately determined.
For CPR to be interesting, the given knowledge graph should be rich in its coverage of entities and relations. This ensures that relevant paths, if exist, can be retrieved. Examples of rich knowledge graphs covering general domains include DBpedia and WordNet. There are also knowledge graphs covering specialized domains, e.g.,
Global Research Identifier Database (GRID) for educational and research entities.
1 In domains where knowledge graphs may not exist or may be incomplete, researchers have looked into automated construction of knowledge graphs from domain-relevant text [
29] or pre-trained embedding models [
CPR is related to knowledge graph-based explainable recommendation, which aims to discover user preference through investigating the underlying knowledge graphs constructed for items and users [
2]. For instance, KGAT learns the importance of paths based on their abilities to predict the target items [
45]. Another similar IR task is explainable question-answering, which extracts answer to a question by traversing the knowledge graph. CPR differs from the two by returning paths as results instead of items or entities. CPR is also different due to the consideration of query context. This, therefore, rules out the possibility of directly applying the solutions of the two tasks.
There are several technical challenges to be addressed in CPR. The first challenge is (a) the incorporation of query context in the query entity representation. Query context representation is non-trivial, because we want to capture sufficient and accurate semantics of the query context, which contains limited amount of textual content and possibly other entity mentions. The second challenge is (b) the representation of paths in knowledge graph in an inductive manner. The encoding of path should be inductive, as we not only have to encode paths in training phase, but we also need to handle new paths at query phase. The final challenge is (c) matching paths against the query entities even when they are in heterogeneous forms. Paths are formed by possibly multiple entities and relations from a knowledge graph while the query context is textual. The comparison between the two is non-trivial unless (i) they can be represented in the same space where some similarity measure in this space can be proposed to rank them in an unsupervised manner; or (ii) they are represented in different spaces and a separate model is trained to determine the relevance of path with respect to query context. While option (i) provides easier comparison between paths and contexts, it is difficult to jointly embed them in the same vector space. Option (ii), however, is more flexible, as we can train the path and context representations separately. In this article, we want to mimic the way an intelligent human user would handle the CPR task. We formulate a CPR framework based on learning embeddings for context representation and path representation, which in turn can be matched for returning the correct contextual path(s) using a supervised learning approach. For example, in the context of a movie awards ceremony news article, it is more semantically appropriate to relate an actor with a director through a movie production, than an award given out by the director to the actor at a ceremony. The CPR task has to consider both the context underlying the query entities and the path’s semantics to determine the contextual relevance of the latter for result generation.
As the number of annotated paths is expected to be small, we want our models to be able to acquire the underlying semantics of paths by introducing path representations based on the knowledge graph representations of entities and relations. We also need to capture the semantics of the given context using a good representation for matching with path representation.
Finally, this research requires datasets with ground truth paths and their associated context documents. This dataset construction requires annotators with good domain knowledge and text comprehension abilities. We therefore have to design smaller annotation steps and support them with user-friendly annotation UI.