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A Survey of Oblivious Transfer Protocol

Published: 13 September 2022 Publication History


Oblivious transfer (OT) protocol is an essential tool in cryptography that provides a wide range of applications such as secure multi-party computation, private information retrieval, private set intersection, contract signing, and privacy-preserving location-based services. The OT protocol has different variants such as one-out-of-2, one-out-of-n, k-out-of-n, and OT extension. In the OT (one-out-of-2, one-out-of-n, and OT extension) protocol, the sender has a set of messages, whereas the receiver has a key. The receiver sends that key to the sender in a secure way; the sender cannot get any information about the received key. The sender encrypts every message by operating on every message using the received key and sends all the encrypted messages to the receiver. The receiver is able to extract only the required message using his key. However, in the k-out-of-n OT protocol, the receiver sends a set of k keys to the sender, and in replay, the sender sends all the encrypted messages. The receiver uses his keys and extracts the required messages, but it cannot gain any information about the messages that it has not requested. Generally, the OT protocol requires high communication and computation cost if we transfer millions of oblivious messages. The OT extension protocol provides a solution for this, where the receiver transfers a set of keys to the sender by executing a few numbers of OT protocols. Then, the sender encrypts all the messages using cheap symmetric key cryptography with the help of a received set of keys and transfers millions of oblivious messages to the receiver. In this work, we present different variants of OT protocols such as one-out-of-2, one-out-of-n, k-out-of-n, and OT extension. Furthermore, we cover various aspects of theoretical security guarantees such as semi-honest and malicious adversaries, universally composable, used techniques, computation, and communication efficiency aspects. From the analysis, we found that the semi-honest adversary-based OT protocols required low communication and computation costs as compared to malicious adversary-based OT protocols.


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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 54, Issue 10s
January 2022
831 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 September 2022
Online AM: 05 January 2022
Accepted: 29 November 2021
Revised: 16 October 2021
Received: 22 March 2021
Published in CSUR Volume 54, Issue 10s


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  1. Oblivious transfer protocol
  2. multiparty computation
  3. oblivious transfer extension protocol
  4. pseudorandom generator
  5. random oracle model


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