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Free2Shard: Adversary-resistant Distributed Resource Allocation for Blockchains

Published: 28 February 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    In this paper, we study a canonical distributed resource allocation problem arising in blockchains. While distributed resource allocation is a well-studied problem in networking, the blockchain setting additionally requires the solution to be resilient to adversarial behavior from a fraction of nodes. Scaling blockchain performance is a basic research topic; a plethora of solutions (under the umbrella of sharding ) have been proposed in recent years. Although the various sharding solutions share a common thread (they cryptographically stitch together multiple parallel chains), architectural differences lead to differing resource allocation problems. In this paper we make three main contributions: (a) we categorize the different sharding proposals under a common architectural framework, allowing for the emergence of a new, uniformly improved, uni-consensus sharding architecture. (b) We formulate and exactly solve a core resource allocation problem in the uni-consensus sharding architecture -- our solution, Free2shard, is adversary-resistant and achieves optimal throughput. The key technical contribution is a mathematical connection to the classical work of Blackwell approachability in dynamic game theory. (c) We implement the sharding architecture atop a full-stack blockchain in 3000 lines of code in Rust -- we achieve a throughput of more than 250,000 transactions per second with 6 shards, a vast improvement over state-of-the-art.


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems  Volume 6, Issue 1
    March 2022
    695 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 28 February 2022
    Published in POMACS Volume 6, Issue 1


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    1. game theory
    2. sharding


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