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The approximate degree of DNF and CNF formulas

Published: 10 June 2022 Publication History


The approximate degree of a Boolean function f∶{0,1}n→{0,1} is the minimum degree of a real polynomial p that approximates f pointwise: |f(x)−p(x)|≤1/3 for all x∈{0,1}n. For any δ>0, we construct DNF and CNF formulas of polynomial size with approximate degree Ω(n1−δ), essentially matching the trivial upper bound of n. This fully resolves the approximate degree of constant-depth circuits (AC0), a question that has seen extensive research over the past 10 years. Prior to our work, an Ω(n1−δ) lower bound was known only for AC0 circuits of depth that grows with 1/δ (Bun and Thaler, FOCS 2017). Furthermore, the DNF and CNF formulas that we construct are the simplest possible in that they have constant width.
Our result gives the first near-linear lower bounds on the bounded-error communication complexity of polynomial-size DNF and CNF formulas in the challenging k-party number-on-the-forehead model and two-party quantum model: Ω(n/4kk2)1−δ and Ω(n1−δ), respectively, where δ>0 is any constant. Our lower bounds are essentially optimal. Analogous to above, such lower bounds were previously known only for AC0 circuits of depth that grows with 1/δ.


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Published: 10 June 2022


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  1. AC^0
  2. CNF formulas
  3. DNF formulas
  4. approximate degree
  5. communication complexity
  6. constant-depth circuits
  7. number-on-the-forehead model
  8. polynomial approximation
  9. quantum communication


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