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Notational Programming for Notebook Environments: A Case Study with Quantum Circuits

Published: 28 October 2022 Publication History


We articulate a vision for computer programming that includes pen-based computing, a paradigm we term notational programming. Notational programming blurs contexts: certain typewritten variables can be referenced in handwritten notation and vice-versa. To illustrate this paradigm, we developed an extension, Notate, to computational notebooks which allows users to open drawing canvases within lines of code. As a case study, we explore quantum programming and designed a notation, Qaw, that extends quantum circuit notation with abstraction features, such as variable-sized wire bundles and recursion. Results from a usability study with novices suggest that users find our core interaction of implicit cross-context references intuitive, but suggests further improvements to debugging infrastructure, interface design, and recognition rates. Throughout, we discuss questions raised by the notational paradigm, including a shift from ‘recognition’ of notations to ‘reconfiguration’ of practices and values around programming, and from ‘sketching’ to writing and drawing, or what we call ‘notating.’

Supplementary Material

These are the Jupyter notebook task files used during our usability study for Notate. Included too are the "equivalent" Qiskit tasks used during our comparison step. (tasks.zip)
MP4 File (uist22-notate-video.mp4)
Video accompanying the original submission, depicting the interface.


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UIST '22: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
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