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Predicting Post-Operative Complications with Wearables: A Case Study with Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Post-operative complications and hospital readmission are of great concern to surgical patients and health care providers. Wearable devices such as Fitbit wristbands enable long-term and non-intrusive monitoring of patients outside clinical environments. To build accurate predictive models based on wearable data, however, requires effective feature engineering to extract high-level features from time series data collected by the wearable sensors. This paper presents a pipeline for developing clinical predictive models based on wearable sensors. The core of the pipeline is a multi-level feature engineering framework for extracting high-level features from fine-grained time series data. The framework integrates a set of techniques tailored for noisy and incomplete wearable data collected in real-world clinical studies: (1) singular spectrum analysis for extracting high-level features from daily features over the course of the study; (2) a set of daily features that are resilient to missing data in wearable time series data; (3) a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) method for imputing short missing heart rate segments; (4) the integration of patients' clinical characteristics and wearable features. We evaluated the feature engineering approach and machine learning models in a clinical study involving 61 patients undergoing pancreatic surgery. Linear support vector machine (SVM) with integrated feature engineering achieved an AUROC of 0.8802 for predicting post-operative readmission or severe complications, which significantly outperformed the existing rule-based model used in clinical practice and other state-of-the-art feature engineering approaches.


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  1. Predicting Post-Operative Complications with Wearables: A Case Study with Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery



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      cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
      Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 6, Issue 2
      June 2022
      1551 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 07 July 2022
      Published in IMWUT Volume 6, Issue 2

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      Author Tags

      1. Feature Engineering
      2. Machine Learning
      3. Missing Data
      4. Post-Surgical Prediction
      5. Wearable Devices


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      • Foundation for BJC Health Systems Innovation Lab
      • Fullgraf Foundation
      • Foundation for Barnes Jewish Hospital


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