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How to formulate specific how-to questions in software development?

Published: 09 November 2022 Publication History


Developers often ask how-to questions using search engines, technical Q&A communities, and interactive Q&A systems to seek help for specific programming tasks. However, they often do not formulate the questions in a specific way, making it hard for the systems to return the best answers. We propose an approach (TaskKG4Q) that interactively helps developers formulate a programming related how-to question. TaskKG4Q is using a programming task knowledge graph (task KG in short) mined from Stack Overflow questions, which provides a hierarchical conceptual structure for tasks in terms of [actions], [objects], and [constraints]. An empirical evaluation of the intrinsic quality of the task KG revealed that 75.0% of the annotated questions in the task KG are correct. The comparison between TaskKG4Q and two baselines revealed that TaskKG4Q can help developers formulate more specific how-to questions. More so, an empirical study with novice programmers revealed that they write more effective questions for finding answers to their programming tasks on Stack Overflow.


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ESEC/FSE 2022: Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
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