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Not All Robots are Evaluated Equally: The Impact of Morphological Features on Robots’ Assessment through Capability Attributions

Published: 15 February 2023 Publication History


Favorable assessments of social robots are addressed in several research and development attempts because positive attitudes and intentions towards technology are regarded as a necessary prerequisite for usage. To predict a favorable evaluation, it is inevitable to understand the appraisal process and determine crucial variables that affect the evaluative and behavioral consequences of HRI. Robotic morphology has been identified as one of these variables. In the present work, we expand previous work by demonstrating that capability attributions associated with robots’ morphological features explain variations in evaluations. Based on two large picture-based online studies (Study 1, n = 673; Study 2, n = 586) we show that robots with similar morphological features (e.g., robots with arms and grippers) can be clustered along their assigned capabilities, and that these capabilities (e.g., to manipulate objects) explain evaluations of the robots in terms of acceptance and social attributes (i.e., warmth, competence, and discomfort). We discuss whether these initial assessments are relevant to live interactions and how our results can inform robot design.

1 Motivation

The assessment and evaluation of artificial entities plays a large role in the human-robot and human-agent interaction communities, since technology acceptance models (e.g., [36]) propose that the subjective assessment of artificial entities such as social robots determines the formation of a usage intention which predicts the actual use of technology. Consequently, favorable assessment is an indispensable prerequisite for human-technology interactions to occur and endure. Identifying variables that influence judgment and determine the final evaluation of artificial entities is therefore of great interest to both researchers and practitioners (e.g., designers). Since the development of real robots is expensive, virtually simulated models are often used to test new designs and prototypes. As a result of this trade-off, physical embodiment (i.e., whether a robot is physically or virtually embodied) has been identified as one variable that affects how humans evaluate and react towards artificial entities. Studies that experimentally compared a co-present robot in the real world with a virtual representation of that same robot on a screen resulted in conflicting findings so far: A large part of these studies support a superiority of a robot compared to a virtual counterpart (for a meta-analysis, see [18]), while other results turned out in favor of virtual embodied agents (e.g., [12, 14, 16, 22, 28, 33]). Likewise, however, several results point to no differences in the evaluation of a robot or virtual instantiation [8, 12, 14, 19, 32].
In earlier work [13], we developed a theoretical framework to explain these heterogeneous results. The core hypothesis is that different evaluative outcomes can be explained through perceived capabilities1 that are affected by several characteristics of an artificial entity, the human interaction partner, and contextual variables (see Figure 1). However, taking into consideration Dautenhahn et al.’s [6] notion that embodiment is not restricted to physically embodied robots, but refers to the coupling between an entity and its environment, we aim to expand our framework to not only explain differences in evaluative outcomes between physical robots and their virtual counterparts, but rather generalize its explanatory value to explain differences in assessment of artificial entities in general. Visible features of artificial entities enable mutual perturbation between the entity and its environment: For example, wheels allow for movement in space, sensors for object recognition, or manipulators for touch, regardless of whether the environment is physical or virtual. Hence, if an artificial entity is judged on the basis of its capabilities that are related to its structural coupling with its specific environment, no differences between virtual and physical embodiment must emerge per se. Instead other variables, such as morphological differences of an artificial entity become relevant. With respect to the overall aim to build robots that are accepted by humans in their social environment (i.e., social robots), not only measures of acceptance but also evaluations in terms of social attributes play a role. In social cognition research, warmth and competence have been identified as the two core dimensions of social perception [10]. Recent work (e.g., [3, 25, 31]) demonstrated that these dimensions are similarly decisive in the assessment of social robots. In human-robot interaction (HRI), the role or function a robot assumes, the affordances of the situation, and the commonly used anthropomorphic design of robots promote socially relevant attributions of warmth and competence. These attributions can be further reinforced by expectations of a robot’s capabilities associated with the visible features of the robot’s morphology.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Theoretical framework as outlined in Hoffmann et al. [13]. Morphology, perceived capabilities, and evaluation were highlighted to demonstrate the focus of the present work.
To understand how variations in robots’ morphology alter assessments related to capability attributions and subjective evaluations, we chose standardized images of robots to capture the effect of initial exposure to the mere appearance of a robot. This approach is beneficial because it filters out other confounding variables and allows for comparisons of a large set of different robots (what would never be possible with real robots in a lab). With regard to the outcomes as summarized in our framework, we focus on evaluative consequences (i.e., the evaluation of robots in terms of social attributes and acceptance) because we assume that these subjective impressions are quickly formed in initial encounters based on visible features of a robot, whereas emotional and behavioral reactions must be studied in live interactions. However, initial impressions, which can be operationalized in terms of viewing a static image of a robot, are an important measure because they form expectations of a robot and its capabilities which can affect the actual interaction between a human and robot. In the following, we briefly summarize our theoretical framework and the role of capability attributions. Afterwards, we introduce robot morphology and related work on the influence it has for the assessment of robots. Finally, we summarize our goal and contributions before discussing the details of the studies in Section 2.

1.1 The Framework and the Role of Capability Attributions

As mentioned above, we previously developed a theoretical framework to explain differences in the evaluation of physically embodied robots in comparison to virtual instantiations ([13], Figure 1). Our core hypothesis is that evaluation and interaction outcomes (i.e., evaluation of an artificial entity, interaction evaluation, and behavioral responses) can be explained by perceived capabilities of the entity, which are influenced by various moderating variables related to the robot (e.g., physical embodiment, morphology), the person (e.g., prior experience, expectations), or the environment (e.g., the scenario in which the interaction occurs). Furthermore, we assume that perceived capabilities are associated with concrete physical features of robots and other artificial entities. The presence, absence, and combination of various body features such as eyes, arms, or wheels causes humans to attribute certain abilities to the artificial entity and anticipate according behaviors. For example, an entity with eyes is expected to be able to perceive the environment, an entity with wheels or legs is expected to be able to move. Hence, a favorable evaluation of a robot in a transportation task can be explained through the perceived capability for tactile interaction that is derived from the presence of manipulators that allow for tactile interaction. The relevant capabilities to evaluate artificial entities which we identified earlier [13], are perceived (nonverbal) expressiveness, shared perception, mobility, tactile interaction, and corporeality (i.e., the perception of an entity as physically existent in the real world, Figure 1). These somehow abstract capabilities are naturally related to visible body features such as arms, legs, or eyes. One can imagine that perceived capabilities vary according to the presence and combinations of body features in different morphologies (e.g., human-like versus animal-like). Morphology is thus hypothesized to moderate how capabilities of an artificial entity are perceived, regardless of the physical embodiment of the entity.

1.2 The Role of Morphology for the Assessment of Robots

By morphology we refer to the form and appearance of an artificial entity, which often resembles other entities such as animals (zoomorphic morphology) or humans (anthropomorphic morphology). Related research that considered robots with various morphologies showed that morphology indeed has an impact. Phillips et al. [27] specified the physical human-likeness of robots based on morphological features. To this end, they have built a large database of anthropomorphic robots that are evaluated for the presence of various appearance features such as eyes, arms, legs, or wheels, as well as their measured physical human-likeness. Their analysis of 200 anthropomorphic robots stored in the database resulted in four major dimensions that determine physical human-likeness: (1) Surface Look, (2) Body-Manipulators, (3) Facial Features, and (4) Mechanical Locomotion. All dimensions can be expected not only to alter ratings in human-likeness of a robot, but also to affect assumed capabilities of a robot, and related evaluations. For instance, the presence of body-manipulators should increase the perceived ability to move and touch objects, or the presence of facial features should increase the perceived expressiveness of a robot. In line with this, Phillips et al. [27] remarked that physical features are related to human’s expectations of a robot’s capabilities, e.g., body manipulators evoke expectations about capabilities such as the transportation of objects, and facial features trigger expectation about a robot’s communicative functions. DiSalvo et al. [7] already demonstrated that differences in robotic heads determine how human-like people perceive these heads. Their investigation of 48 different robots revealed that the dimensions of the head and the number of visible facial features (e.g., mouth, nose, and eyes) mainly determine the perception of robots’ heads. Regarding the evaluation of robots with varying morphologies, a survey by Rosenthal-von der Pütten and Krämer [29] revealed that robots with similar design characteristics are equally evaluated with regard to likeability, threat, submissiveness, familiarity, human-likeness, and mechanicalness. Toy-like and zoomorphic robots (cluster 2 in their paper) were, for instance, evaluated as the most submissive, whereas android robots (cluster 4) were rated as most likable and human-like. Other researchers found similar effects of different morphologies on perceived intelligence [2], trust towards robots [30], perceived presence and on similarity to on oneself [1]. Attitudes toward robots also varied by robot morphology. For example, Thellman and Ziemke [34] showed that participants’ self-reported attitudes toward the social influence of robots varied significantly when participants were exposed to images of a robot with a semi-anthropomorphic or functional morphology. Regarding the core dimensions of social perception, recent research has shown that social robots’ ratings of warmth and competence are also predicted by certain body characteristics (e.g., eye-to-head ratio, visual acuity, and degrees of freedom) that can be associated with specific morphologies [3]. Furthermore, other investigations demonstrated that quite similar looking robots such as NAO and Pepper also evoke different reactions and evaluations [21, 35]. These differences might be related to differences in morphological details such as the possession of legs compared to wheels, the amount of fingers (NAO has three, Pepper has five fingers), or the size of the robots, and associated capabilities of the robots. However, the authors [35] did not further investigate what exactly caused the observed differences and whether perceived capabilities are an explaining variable.

1.3 Summary and Objective

In summary, previous work suggests that morphological differences are a crucial determinant for the perception and evaluation of artificial entities. Therefore, investigating the impact of varying morphologies is of great interest to understand how capabilities are determined by morphology. As outlined above, morphology of an artificial entity sets the potential for mutual perturbation with the environment [cf. 6]. Features incorporated in a morphology thus trigger associated skills, e.g., presence of manipulators triggers the ability to manipulate objects; presence of eyes triggers the ability to perceive the environment. We thus believe that the investigation into capabilities associated with different robot morphologies is important to gather a deeper understanding of what determines the reflexive, initial appraisal, i.e., the perception and evaluation, of artificial entities. In line with our framework [13], we hypothesize that different robot morphologies lead to different perceived capabilities and likewise evaluations (cf. Figure 1). To test this hypothesis, we utilized a set of standardized pictures of robots from the Anthropomorphic Robot Database2 (ABOT: [27]), and presented them to subjects in two large online survey studies. Both studies address the research question of how differences in morphological features of physically embodied robots affect the perceived capabilities of a robot as an explanatory variable for the accompanying assessment. As a result, the analyses revealed that robots with similar morphological features can be summarized in clusters that differ in their assessment regarding body-related capabilities and overall evaluations. Moreover, results from our second study validated that varying evaluations of robots with different morphologies in terms of social attributes and acceptance can be explained through capability attributions (see Figure 12 for a simplified summary of all findings). Our findings expand previous work on robot perception by adding an explanatory variable to the puzzle of how initial evaluations of artificial counterparts originate, namely: perceived capabilities. This helps researchers to better understand why visible morphological features of social robots (or other artificial entities) trigger varying evaluations. In addition, the results are informative to engineers and designers who want to build robots with morphologies that match human expectations of a social robot’s capabilities.

2 Study 1

In the initial experiment, a total of 46 different robots were evaluated by \(n=673\) participants in an online survey using sosci survey.3

2.1 Stimuli

Most (n = 39) of the used images were taken from the ABOT database [27], which hosts a total of 200 standardized images of anthropomorphic robots along with physical human-likeness score for each robot, and feature scores for the dimensions: body-manipulators, surface-look, facial features, and mechanical locomotion (Figure 2). To generate a diverse stimulus set, we followed three criteria: (1) for each dimension of anthropomorphic features we choose at least two robots that represented high, medium, or low scores, respectively; (2) following the four categories of robot morphologies as outlined by Fong et al. [11] (anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, caricatured, and functional) we selected at least five robots per category, plus a set of androids; (3) we also made sure that robots used in earlier studies that compared robots and virtual agents were included [see meta-analysis by 18]. Because of that, we added images of seven more robots that were not listed in the ABOT database (i.e., zoomorphic robots: Aibo, Karotz, Keepon, Miro, Pleo, and a KUKA gripper and a Roomba to represent functional robots). To ensure that the images are comparable to those from the ABOT database, we chose images that depicted the robot in full size in front of a white background.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Examples of selected morphologies and feature profiles taken as screen shots from the ABOT database (http://abotdatabase.info/collection).

2.2 Measurements

For each robot we assessed several perceptual dimensions using three different instruments. The Embodiment and Corporeality of Artificial Agents Scale [EmCorp: 13] was used to measure participants’ bodily related perceptions of the robots’ embodiment and corporeality. The scale consists of 20 items which are rated on a fully labeled 6-point Likert scale (“strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”) and form the four factors (Shared)Perception and Interpretation (7 items, e.g., “The robot is able to perceive what I perceive”, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .938), Tactile Interaction and Mobility (6 items, e.g., “The robot is able to carry objects”, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .846), (Nonverbal) Expressiveness (4 items, e.g., “The robot is unrestricted in its facial expressions”, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .862) and Corporeality (3 items, e.g., “The robot is existent in the real world”, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .661). Besides, we used the Robotic Social Attributes Scale [RoSAS: 4] as an evaluative output variable to test whether different morphologies evoke different evaluations in terms of warmth (6 items, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .935), competence (6 items, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .921), and discomfort (6 Items, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .902). The items were rated on a 9-point Likert scale. To see how physical human-likeness of different robot morphologies is linked to perceived capabilities, we further measured perceived (physical) human-likeness of the robots with a single item slider from 0 to 100, as introduced by Phillips et al. [27]. To control for individual differences, we further asked for participants’ attitudes towards robots using the Negative Attitudes towards Robots Scale [NARS: 24, Cronbach’s \(\alpha = .88\) ]. The scale consists of 14 items which are rated on a 5-point Likert scale (“Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”). In addition, we considered participants’ general tendency to anthropomorphize (i.e., apply human characteristics) objects as a determinant to perceive robots as more human-like, and thus to perceive robot capabilities differently. We used the Anthropomorphism Questionnaire by Neave et al. [23], which consists of 20 items rated on a 7-point Likert scale (“Not at all” to “Very much so”, Cronbach’s \(\alpha = .95\) ).

2.3 Survey Design

On the starting page of the online-survey, participants were informed that they were being asked for their opinions on various robots. Participants first completed the NARS and subsequently viewed pictures of three robots which were each evaluated on the EmCorp-Scale, the RoSAS, and the physical human-likeness slider. Each robot was separately presented at the top of the page with a height of 500px. The scales were presented below the picture of the robot (one page per scale to ensure that the picture was visible while rating the items). The different robots were presented in random order. Their presentation time was not limited. Participants regarded them for as long as they wanted. Afterwards, participants completed the Anthropomorphism Questionnaire. Finally, we asked participants to briefly describe the three robots they have seen previously and give demographic information (age, gender, prior contact to robots). Participants’ descriptions of the robots were screened as a data quality check to eliminate possible inattentive users or bots. Every participant viewed and evaluated three robots. To guarantee randomized but also equal distribution of evaluators to robots, for each participant three robots were randomly drawn from the pool of robots until the urn of 46 robots was “empty”. Then the urn was filled up again to be drawn from.

2.4 Participants

A total of 673 participants were recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk. Those participants who provided nonsense descriptions for the three robots at the end of the survey were excluded (e.g., 1-2-3; nice-good-well; karatas-mamibot-grimlock). Finally, data of \(n=510\) were analyzed (age 18–76 years, \(M= 37.41\) , \(SD=12.17\) ), 245 female, 260 male, 1 queer, 1 trans-gender, 2 nonbinary and 1 who did not indicate sex at all). Their prior contact with robots was mixed: \(54\%\) never had contact with robots, \(22\%\) had contact with chat-bots like Siri and Alexa, \(14\%\) mentioned that they encountered a robot at least once, while \(5\%\) have contact with robots at work. Only \(2\%\) indicated to own a robot, and the remainder did not comment on the question. Participants attitudes towards robots were overall moderate (NARS overall: \(M=2.85; SD=0.77\) on a 5-point scale). Their overall tendency to anthropomorphize things was low ( \(M=2.62, SD=1.31\) on a 7-point scale).

3 Results and Discussion (Study 1)

To test our assumption that the evaluation of robots can be affected by morphology and accompanying features that allow for structural coupling, we compared the perceived capabilities, perceived physical human-likeness, and evaluations of 46 robots with a wide variety of morphologies. We calculated mean values per robot for the four EmCorp-subscales, the physical human-likeness, and the three RoSAS dimensions (see Appendix, Table A.1). Taking a closer look at how people evaluate the displayed robots on average on the EmCorp-subscales, the data suggests large variance in participants’ capability perceptions within the examined set. For example, the variance in perceived Corporeality, i.e., how real and co-present in the real world a robot appeared, is remarkable (see average minimum and maximum ratings per subscale in Table 1). Against the common belief that Corporeality is a binary variable (either you are corporeal or you are not) and hence all robots should receive high or even the highest rating on Corporeality, the average ratings per robot ranged from 2.80 (Sociable Trashbox) to 4.40 (Robovie). This supports the notion that corporeality, as well as embodiment Dautenhahn et al. [6], are not binary features of artificial entities (here: robots) but that gradations in the perception of robots exist. However, the average corporeality rating was above the midpoint of the scale, indicating that all robots are perceived as corporeal. To test whether the assigned capabilities are related to the physical human-likeness ratings, we ran Pearson correlations with all EmCorp-subscales. The analyses revealed positive medium to high correlations (p \(\lt\) .001) with physical human-likeness: (Shared)Perception and Interpretation: \(r=.47\) , Tactile Interaction and Mobility: \(r=.36\) , (Nonverbal) Expressiveness: \(r=.23\) , Corporeality: \(r=.53\) ), indicating that greater physical human-likeness is associated with higher capability perceptions, and vice versa. Concerning the evaluation of the robots in terms of warmth, competence, and discomfort, we conducted linear regression analyses to see whether perceived capabilities predict the evaluation. Warmth was significantly predicted by (Shared)Perception and Interpretation ( \(\beta =.741\) , \(p \lt .001\) ), as well as Tactile Interaction and Mobility ( \(\beta =- .339\) , \(p \lt .05\) ). The robots were evaluated as warmer if they are capable to perceive and interpret others’ behavior, but are less capable to move or touch. The robots’ competence was predicted by the capabilities for (Shared) Perception and Interpretation ( \(\beta =.613\) , \(p \lt .001\) ), and Tactile Interaction and Mobility ( \(\beta =.434\) , \(p \lt .01\) ). This time both capabilities stand in positive relationship to competence, indicating that the more capable they are, the higher their competence evaluation. Finally, negative evaluation (discomfort) was significantly predicted by (Nonverbal) Expressiveness ( \(\beta =.273\) , \(p\lt .001\) ) and Corporeality ( \(\beta =.335\) , \(p\lt .01\) ). The more expressive and corporeal a robot was accessed, the more discomfort was reported.
Table 1.
(Shared) Perception and Interpretation1.854.163.040.53
Tactile Interaction and Mobility2.084.983.680.74
(Nonverbal) Expressiveness1.663.912.630.51
Physical Human-Likeness4.0479.9428.0621.75
Table 1. Average Perception of Robots on EmCorp, Physical Human-Likeness, and RoSAS Evaluations in Study 1

3.1 Cluster Analysis

We hypothesize that different robot morphologies cause distinct capability attributions (EmCorp) and thus evaluations (RoSAS) that are not a result of differences in the physical embodiment. We further assume that the capability dimensions are linked to specific body features, and that thus specific features are more important for one capability than another, e.g., the presence of wheels is important for the perception of mobility, whereas it is less important for shared perception. To identify robot morphologies that evoke similar capability perceptions, we clustered the robots according to their assigned capabilities. For that purpose, we ran an agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis with squared Euclidian distance measures using Ward’s minimum variance method [38] on 46 cases (i.e., 46 robots with different morphological features) on the basis of the calculated mean values per EmCorp-subscale. Data were standardized by converting them to z-scores. The six-cluster solution is most reasonable, because it marks the last considerable change in agglomerated coefficients (Table 2) and the dendrogram in Figure 3 also supports this solution. The following sections describe each cluster separately.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Dendrogram.
Table 2.
No. of clustersAgglomeration last stepCoefficients this stepChange
Table 2. Re-Formed Agglomeration Table

3.1.1 Cluster 1 (Caricatured Robots with Eyes).

In terms of the morphologies as introduced by Fong et al. [11], the six robots in the first cluster are predominantly caricature-like (Figure 4). They are all covered with plastic or rubber skin lending them a medium to high surface look. All look well-engineered and ready for end consumer usage. Regarding facial features, all robots have one or two dots in their design that can be interpreted as eyes. Although the majority of the robots possesses eye-like features, they score low on (Shared) Perception and Interpretation as well as on (Nonverbal) Expressiveness. The robots possess low to no body-manipulators (e.g., arms, legs, and torso) and mechanical locomotion features (treads, wheels) and are consequently perceived less capable of Tactile Interaction and Mobility (see Table 3 for mean ratings). Regarding Corporeality, we observed moderate average ratings for the robots in this cluster.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Cluster 1: Caricatured robots with eyes—Emuu, Furhat, Jibo, Keepon, Sociable Trashbox, Mabu (f.l.t.r.).
Table 3.
 MeasureMSDMSDMSDMSDMSDMSDF(6,40) \(\eta _{\text{p}}^{2}\) sig. Post hoc comparisons
Study 1                
 EmCorp12.710.433.610.***C2>C3, C2>C5, C4>C5, C1<C2-C4, C6<all other clusters1
 EmCorp22.550.434.410.394.400.***C2>C4-C6, C3>C4-C6, C6>C4-C5, C1<all other clusters1
 EmCorp32.130.313.370.332.650.143.020.382.350.162.270.2130.600.79***C2>all other clusters, C4>C3, C4>C5-C6, C3>C5-C6, C1<C3-C41
 EmCorp43.***C2>all other clusters, C1<all other clusters1
 Warmth3.590.964.450.583.540.394.290.693.650.552.350.169.360.54***C2>C5, C2>C1, C2>C3, C6<all other clusters1
 Competence4.870.786.050.535.880.245.540.415.370.305.270.616.240.44***C2>C5-C6, C3>C5-C6, C1<C2-C3, C5>C11
 Discomfort3.690.643.680.823.390.444.521.103.210.442.850.373.720.32 **C4>C2-C3, C4>C5-C6, C6<C1-C21
 Human-likeness18.9814.4258.1222.1427.148.0243.0612.2414.616.299.011.2217.330.68***C2>C3, C2>C5, C4>C1, C4>C5, C6<C2-C41
Study 2                
 EmCorp13.051.123.361.***C5>C1, C2-C5>C62
 EmCorp22.731.284.540.894.520.813.411.223.801.214.170.9040.610.26***C2>C5, C2>C4, C3>C5, C3>C4, C6>C4, C2-C6>C13
 EmCorp32.551,***C5>C4, C5>C6, C5>C1, C4>C3, C3>C13
 EmCorp43.621.***C5>C1, C5>C4, C3>C1, C3>C43
 Warmth3.742.***C5>all other clusters2
 Competence5.151.935.891.836.171.545.321.656.151.685.891.835.550.05***C3>C4, C3>C1, C5>C4, C2>C12
 Discomfort4.031.804.402.043.471.764.621.744.522.453.192.037.990.06 ***C4>C3, C4>C6, C5>C3, C5>C6, C2>C3, C2>C63
 Human-likeness21.5924.7955.5629.2828.4023.4141.8329.4428.9130.6714.0722.6430.590.21***C2>C3-C6, C2>C1, C4>C5, C4>C3, C4>C1, C4>C6, C5>C6, C3>C63
 Acceptance3.030.963.500.843.740.843.161.013.480.903.340.917.160.06***C3>C4, C3>C1, C2>C1, C5>C12
Table 3. (M)ANOVA Results for EmCorp, RoSAS, Physical Human-Likeness, and Acceptance by Cluster (Study 1 and 2)
Note: EmCorp1 = (Shared) Perception & Interpretation, EmCorp2 = Tactile Interaction & Mobility, EmCorp3 = (Nonverbal) Expressiveness, EmCorp4 = Corporeality. ***p < .001, ** p < .01. 1LSD posthoc test, Levene’s test not significant. 2Gabriel posthoc test for unequal groups, Levene’s test not significant. 3Games-Howell posthoc test for unequal group, Levene’s test significant.

3.1.2 Cluster 2 (Full Body, Humanoid, and Android Robots).

The second cluster consists of 10 robots with an anthropomorphic morphology (Figure 5). Their morphology can be further described as humanoid (e.g., Nao) or android (e.g., Geminoid). The robots in this cluster have arms, a torso and legs, or mechanical locomotion features. In accordance with the presence of these features, they are perceived as highly capable to move and manipulate objects (Tactile Interaction and Mobility). They further have heads with elaborated faces, including eyes and mouth, and were rated as medium highly capable of (Nonverbal) Expressiveness and (Shared) Perception and Interpretation, respectively (see Table 3). Especially the androids also possess a higher surface look, including nose, skin, head-hair, and apparel. This might be the reason that they were rated as highly realistic and existent in the real world (Corporeality).
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Cluster 2: Full body, humanoid and android robots—iCub, Romeo, Nao, Buddy, Geminoid, Erica, Ontonaroid, Kodomoroid, Lego Boost, Robovie MR2.

3.1.3 Cluster 3 (Anthropomorphic but Functional Robots with Grippers).

The third cluster includes eight robots that combine a humanoid and functional morphology (Figure 6). The robots are mostly wheeled, or on a pedestal, and have one or two gripper arms as body-manipulators in common. As a result, their capabilities to move and touch (Tactile Interaction and Mobility) received high ratings. Their face and surface look is moderate, at least including a body part that resembles a head, while the majority also possesses eye-like features possibly leading to moderate perceptions of the capability for (Nonverbal) Expressiveness and (Shared) Perception and Interpretation. Corporeality was also perceived as moderate.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Cluster 3: Anthropomorphic but functional robots with grippers—PR2, Nexi, Pepper, Riba II, Baxter, HomeMate, MoRo, MiP2.

3.1.4 Cluster 4 (Anthropomorphic, Expressive Robot Heads).

The fourth cluster consists of three robot heads that can be described as either android or humanoid by morphology (Figure 7). The robots were perceived as moderately capable regarding all subscales of the EmCorp-Scale (mean values between 3 and 3.75, see Table 3). These robots have skin and complete faces incorporating eye-brows, eyes, nose, and mouth. Although they possess full faces, they were only rated moderate on (Nonverbal) Expressiveness and (Shared) Perception and Interpretation. Due to their missing torso, they do not possess body manipulators or mechanical locomotion features. However, medium ratings regarding Tactile Interaction and Mobility revealed that participants still assumed that the robots might be able to move or manipulate objects.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Cluster 4: Anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads - Han, Flobi, Mertz.

3.1.5 Cluster 5 (Mobile Robots with Facial Features but no Manipulators).

Cluster 5 contains 14 mainly nonhumanoid/nonanthropomorphic robots with zoomorphic, caricatured, and functional morphologies (Figure 8). Similar to robots in cluster 1, these robots also look like finished products that are ready for use in private households. Yet, they look more sophisticated than the caricature-like robots in cluster 1. Corporeality of these robots was overall moderately rated. The robots have a low surface look in terms of hair, apparel, or genderedness in common. Although the robots are not fully anthropomorphic, many of them possess at least anthropomorphic facial features such as eyes and mouth. These features are, however, static which probably is why they were perceived as restricted in (Nonverbal) Expressiveness, but perceived as medium capable for (Shared) Perception and Interpretation. They do not have body manipulators in a human-like way, however, some of them (e.g., Aibo, Pleo) are four-legged or wheeled allowing them to move in space, supported by moderate ratings in Tactile Interaction and Mobility. The lack of body-manipulators such as arms could further explain low ratings in nonverbal expressiveness (e.g., reduced in gestures).
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Cluster 5: Mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators—Musio, Tapia, Kuri, Tipron, Heasy, PadBot, UR3, Ollie, MiRAE, iCat, Karrotz, MiRo, Aibo, Pleo.

3.1.6 Cluster 6 (Functional Robots with grippers or Wheels).

Finally, the sixth cluster consists of five robots with a plain functional morphology (Figure 9). These robots are rather machine-like, including industrial robots with grippers (Kuka, Panda) as well as household robots on wheels (Roomba, Clocky). The robots do not have facial or surface look features. According to the absence of a face or eyes, the robots were rated as less capable to perceive and interpret actions in the environment. Their (Nonverbal) Expressiveness was also perceived as restricted. Instead, their functional design includes wheels or grippers that cause a moderate capability for Tactile Interaction and Mobility. Since included robots such as the vacuum cleaner robot Roomba are widely known, they are not surprisingly perceived as existing in the real world (Corporeality, Table 3).
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Cluster 6: Functional robots with grippers or wheels—Kuka Gripper, Panda, GoCart, Roomba, Clocky.

3.2 Cluster Comparisons

For the validation of the clusters we ran a MANOVA with the six clusters as fixed factor and the four EmCorp-subscales as dependent variables. As depicted in Table 3, the average perceived capabilities vary significantly between the clusters. To disentangle differences between single clusters (C1–C6), we calculated posthoc comparisons (LSD) for all capabilities. The results are reported per capability in the following subsections. For a better comprehensibility, Figure 10 gives a visual summary of the order of mean cluster ratings per EmCorp capability.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Visual presentation of embodiment and corporeality perceptions from high to low for all clusters. C1: caricatured robots with eyes, C2: full body, humanoid and android robots, C3: anthropomorphic but functional robots with grippers, C4: anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads, C5: mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators, C6: functional robots with grippers or wheels.

3.2.1 (Shared) Perception and Interpretation .

The capability to perceive and react to stimuli in the environment and to interpret and understand human behavior was judged highest for full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2), followed by anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), and lowest for caricatured robots with eyes (C1), and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6, cf. Table 3 and Figure 10). The post hoc comparisons revealed significant differences between the clusters (all \(p^{\prime }s\lt .01\) ), except for C1 versus C5, C2 versus C4, C3 versus C4, and C3 versus C5. For instance, mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were not perceived different in their capability to perceive and understand than caricatured robots with eyes (C1) or anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), however, the former (C3) was rated significantly more capable than the latter (C1). Moreover, anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) were rated as capable as full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2), or anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), however, the former (C2) was rated significantly more capable than the latter (C3).

3.2.2 Tactile Interaction and Mobility .

The capability to move and navigate in space, and to touch and carry objects was strongest for full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) and anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), followed by functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and finally caricatured robots with eyes (C1). The capability ratings between the clusters differed significantly for all pairwise comparisons (all \(p^{\prime }s\lt .05\) ) except for C2 versus C3, and C4 versus C5. Accordingly, full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) and anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) are equally capable of touching and manipulating objects and moving in space. Also, mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) and anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) are comparably capable for tactile interaction and movement.

3.2.3 (Nonverbal) Expressiveness .

The capability to express itself by means of unrestricted gestures or movements and facial expressions was highest for full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2), followed by anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6). Caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were perceived as the least expressive. Post hoc comparisons between clusters for (Nonverbal) Expressiveness demonstrated significant differences for all comparisons (all \(p^{\prime }s\lt .05\) ), except for the clusters with the lowest ratings (C5, C6, and C1). Mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were perceived as equally capable in their expressiveness.

3.2.4 Corporeality .

Corporeality is an exceptional case, because one would not call it a capability. However, it has been discussed whether the “realness” of an artificial entity, i.e., whether it exists in the real world or not, could explain differences in the evaluation of robots and agents. In addition, it has been revealed as being not a binary characteristic (is real or not) but to vary in several extents in humans’ perception [13]. With respect to the clusters, full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) were perceived as the most corporeal, followed by anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and finally, caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were the least real in the perception of the participants. According to post hoc pairwise comparisons, full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2) were significantly (all \(p^{\prime }s \lt .01\) ) more corporeal than the robots in all other clusters. Likewise, caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were perceived significantly (all \(p^{\prime }s \lt .001\) ) less existent and real than robots in all other clusters. The perceived corporeality of robots in the clusters C3, C4, C5, and C6 was not significantly different. Next, we present the findings regarding the evaluation of the robot clusters.

3.3 Differences in the Evaluation between Clusters

We explored the evaluations in terms of warmth, competence, and discomfort as well as the assigned physical human-likeness between the clusters (Table 3).

3.3.1 Warmth.

When we opposed the clusters with respect to warmth, we observed significant differences (Table 3, Figure 11). Full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2) were rated highest on warmth, followed by anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6). Posthoc-tests revealed no significant differences in the post hoc comparisons between all combinations of clusters C4, C5, C1, and C3. However, functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6) were rated significantly less warm than all other clusters ( \(p^{\prime }s\lt .01\) ). Furthermore, robots with a full body, as humanoid and android robots (C2), were rated significantly warmer than robots in all other clusters ( \(p^{\prime }s \lt .01\) ), except for anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4).
Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Visual presentation of warmth, competence, discomfort, and assigned physical human-likeness from high to low for all clusters. C1: caricatured robots with eyes, C2: full body, humanoid and android robots, C3: anthropomorphic but functional robots with grippers, C4: anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads, C5: mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators, C6: functional robots with grippers or wheels.

3.3.2 Competence.

Regarding the evaluation of the robots concerning competence, full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2) were the most competent, followed by anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1, see Table 3, Figure 11). Posthoc-tests showed that the differences were significant ( \(p^{\prime }s \lt .05\) ) except for the difference between (i) full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2) and anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), (ii) mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), (iii) and the latter compared to caricatured robots with eyes (C1). Also, no significant differences between anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and all other clusters were observable.

3.3.3 Discomfort.

With respect to discomfort that was associated with robots in the clusters, anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) caused the most discomfort, followed by caricatured robots with eyes (C1), full body, humanoid, and android robots (C2), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), while the least discomfort was associated with functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6, Table 3, Figure 11). According to post hoc comparisons, anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) elicited significantly ( \(p^{\prime }s \lt .05\) ) more discomfort than robots in all other clusters, except for caricatured robots with eyes (C1), which evoked similar ratings. Functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6) were significantly lower associated with discomfort than all other clusters ( \(p^{\prime }s \lt .05\) ), except for anthropomorphic but functional robots with grippers (C3) and mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5). The remaining differences between clusters C2, C3, and C5 were not significant.

3.3.4 Physical Human-likeness.

Finally, we compared the perceived physical human-likeness of the clusters since we previously found medium to high correlations between this factor and the measured body-related capabilities. Humanoid and android robots with a full body (C2) were obviously perceived as the most human-like based on physical appearance. Similarly, anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) were rated high, followed by anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6) that did not incorporate anthropomorphic features at all (Table 3, Figure 11). According to post hoc comparisons (LSD), the differences were significant ( \(p^{\prime }s \lt .05\) ), except for the difference between humanoid and android robots with a full body (C2) and anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and the latter compared to anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3). Furthermore, caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were not significantly different from anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6). The latter (C5 and C6) did also not show a significant difference regarding physical human-likeness.

3.4 Discussion

In this first study, we aimed to investigate how differences in morphological features of physically embodied robots affect the perceived capabilities of a robot and the accompanying evaluation. The results show that the capabilities humans infer from the mere appearance of robots on photographs depend on morphological features in the robots’ design. Furthermore, analysis reveal that different morphological features also lead to differences in the evaluation of robots in terms of perceptual measures such as human-likeness, warmth, competence, and discomfort. In addition, we demonstrated that the attribution of different capabilities predict differences in these perceptual measures. Based on these findings, the next step was to further test the assumptions of the EmCorp Framework, namely the mediating effect of attributed capabilities on the relation between robot morphologies and differences in perceptual output variables (see Study 2).

4 Study 2

To validate our findings from Study 1 and to test the hypothesis that differences in perceptual output variables result from variations in ascribed capabilities which are associated with different morphologies, we conducted a second online experiment with \(n=586\) participants using soscisurvey (https://www.soscisurvey.de). The design of the second study was almost the same as in Study 1, with the exception that participants saw and rated only one robot instead of three. We reduced the stimulus-set down to 20 robots in order to get an attainable ratio of sample size to stimuli, to run this study as a full between-subjects design.

4.1 Stimuli

In Study 2, we reduced our stimulus set down to 20 robots. The selection of robots was based on the six clusters identified in Study 1, with the aim to map the variety of each cluster in terms of differences in morphology. This resulted in six groups of stimuli consisting of 3 to 4 robots per group (see robots labeled ’ \(\#s2\) ’ in Figures 49). Same as in Study 1, most robot-images (16 images) were taken from the ABOT database [27]. For the four robots (Keepon, MiRo, Roomba, and Kuka) that were not represented in the ABOT database, we used the same images as described in Study 1.

4.2 Measurements

Similar to Study 1, we assessed several perceptual dimensions using subjective measures. To measure participants’ bodily related perceptions of the robots’ embodiment and corporeality we used the EmCorp Scale [13] (subscales: Corporeality, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .635; Nonverbal Expressiveness, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .857; Tactile Interaction and Mobility, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .859; Shared Perception and Interpretation, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .920). We used the RoSAS [4] as an evaluative output variable for the different robot morpholgies (subscales: warmth, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .926; competence, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .912; discomfort, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .899). We assessed perceived (physical) human-likeness of the robots with a single item slider from 0 to 100, as introduced by Phillips et al. [27]. To control for individual differences, we further asked for participants’ attitudes towards robots using the NARS [24] (Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .857) and their general tendency to anthropomorphize using the Anthropomorphism Questionnaire by Neave et al. [23] (Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .961). Furthermore, we added 4 items assessing participants’ general acceptance of the evaluated robot [13, 14] as a second evaluative output variable. The four items asked for, e.g., whether the robot arouses curiosity about the topic of robots, or whether participants can imagine to perform certain tasks with the help of the robot, on a 5-point Likert Scale (“fully disagree” to “fully agree”, Cronbach’s \(\alpha\) = .817).

4.3 Survey Design

The design of the second survey followed that of Study 1, except that participants only evaluated one robot and had to fill in the four general acceptance items after the human-likeness rating. We also changed the control questions to three individual questions for each robot regarding their appearance to automatically delete participants who did not consciously complete the survey.

4.4 Participants

In total, 593 participants completed the survey via MTurk and answered the control questions correctly. After screening the remaining datasets, we excluded data by 7 more participants since they showed suspicious answering patterns (i.e., equal ratings for all questions). Thus, the final dataset consists of n = 586 participants between the age of 18 to 74 (M = 36.40, SD = 11.43), 285 female, 300 male, 1 agender. With regard to prior contact with robots, 48% did report not having contact to robots so far, 15% mentioned that they encountered a robot at least once, some had contact to chat-bots (27%), and the minority had contact with robots at work (1%) or actually own robots (4%). Their negative attitudes towards robots were moderate (NARS overall: \(M=2.98, SD=0.93\) ; on a 5-point scale), and their tendency to anthropomorphize things was low to moderate (IDAQ overall: \(M=3.13, SD=1.63\) on a 7-point scale). The sample was hence similar to that of Study 1.

5 Results and Discussion (Study 2)

The main objective of Study 2 was to test the hypothesis that differences in perceptual output variables are not simply caused by different morphologies but, are rather the result of variations in ascribed capabilities due to different morphologies. As a first step, again we calculated mean values per robot for the four EmCorp-subscales, the physical human-likeness, the three RoSAS dimensions and the general acceptance (Table 4). The results show a similar pattern as in Study 1, again suggesting a large variance in participants’ capability perception. The same is true for the relations between the EmCorp-subscales and perceived human-likeness (Pearson correlations, p \(\lt\) .001; (Shared) Perception and Interpretation: \(r=.42\) , Tactile Interaction and Mobility: \(r=.26\) , (Nonverbal) Expressiveness: \(r=.37\) , Corporeality: \(r=.20\) ), indicating that greater physical human-likeness is associated with higher capability perceptions, and vice versa.
Table 4.
(Shared) Perception and Interpretation2.283.993.221.19
Tactile Interaction and Mobility2.314.823.901.23
(Nonverbal) Expressiveness2.123.722.851.28
Physical Human-Likeness6.0476.3032.8530.46
General Acceptance2.623.883.390.93
Table 4. Average Perception of Robots on EmCorp, Physical Human-Likeness, RoSAS, and Acceptance in Study 2

5.1 Robot Clusters

Robot clusters were built based on the results of Study 1 (see robots labeled “ \(\#s2\) ” in Figures 49). We therefore added a new variable that holds the number of the assigned cluster. Based on the mapping of the robots to the clusters we calculated mean ratings for all dependent measures (see Measurements) per cluster for further analyses (Table 3, Study 2).

5.2 Cluster Comparisons for EmCorp Dimensions

To validate the clusters we ran a MANOVA with robot cluster as fixed factor and the four EmCorp-subscales as dependent variables. Again, as depicted in Table 3 (Study 2), the average perceived capabilities differed significantly between the clusters.

5.2.1 (Shared) Perception and Interpretation.

The capability to perceive and react to stimuli in the environment and to interpret and understand human behavior was judged highest for mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), followed by full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), and lowest for functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6, Table 3). Posthoc comparisons revealed that mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were perceived as significantly more capable of perception than caricatured robots with eyes (C1). Furthermore, all clusters except caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were rated as more capable than functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6).

5.2.2 Tactile Interaction and Mobility.

The capability to move and navigate in space, and to touch and carry objects was strongest for full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) and anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), followed by functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and finally caricatured robots with eyes (C1, Table 3). According to posthoc comparisons, mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) and anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) were perceived as significantly less capable of touching and manipulating objects and moving in space than full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) and anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3). Functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6) were also rated as more capable than anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were significantly less capable to move and touch than all other clusters.

5.2.3 (Nonverbal) Expressiveness.

The capability to express itself by means of unrestricted gestures or movements and facial expressions was highest for mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), followed by full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6). Caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were perceived as the least expressive (Table 3). Posthoc tests demonstrated that full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) did not significantly differ from all other clusters. Furthermore, no differences in nonverbal expressiveness of anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) were visible compared to functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1). Mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were also rated as similarly capable in expressiveness than anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3). The remaining differences were statistically significantly (p’s \(\lt\) .05).

5.2.4 Corporeality.

The perceived corporeality of the robots in the clusters was highest for mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), followed by anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), and finally anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) were rated the least real (see Table 3). Posthoc comparisons showed, mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) and anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) were both perceived significantly (p’s \(\lt\) .05) more corporeal than anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1). The remaining comparisons were not significant.

5.3 Differences in the Evaluation between Clusters

As in Study 1, we analyzed the evaluations in terms of warmth, competence, discomfort, and the assigned physical human-likeness between the clusters. Additionally, we considered the overall acceptance of the robots in the clusters to compare the results with previous findings [13] (Table 3).

5.3.1 Warmth.

Regarding the perceived warmth of the robots, a comparison of the clusters revealed that mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were rated highest, followed by full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), and least functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6, Table 3). Posthoc comparisons yielded significant differences ( \(p^{\prime }s \lt .05\) ) showing that mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were perceived warmer than robots in all other clusters.

5.3.2 Competence.

The highest competence ratings were observed for anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), followed by mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1, Table 3). Posthoc test showed anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) were rated significantly more competent than anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1). Also, more competence was assigned to mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) than to anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4). Finally, full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) were rated as significantly more competent than caricatured robots with eyes (C1).

5.3.3 Discomfort.

With respect to average discomfort ratings, anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) elicited the highest ratings, followed by mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), and finally functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6, Table 3). According to posthoc comparisons, anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), and full body, humanoid and android robots (C2) were perceived as eliciting significantly more discomfort than anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), and finally functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6).

5.3.4 Physical Human-likeness.

The perceived physical human-likeness of the robots in the clusters was rated highest for humanoid and android robots with a full body (C2), followed by anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6, Table 3). According to posthoc comparisons (Games Howell), the differences were significant ( \(p^{\prime }s \lt .05\) ) between C2 and all other clusters: humanoid and android robots with a full body (C2) were more more physically human-like than all other robots. Anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) were also significantly more physically human-like than the other clusters, except for C2.

5.3.5 Acceptance.

When we opposed the clusters with respect to acceptance, we found significant differences (Table 3): Anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) were the most accepted followed by full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5), functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), and caricatured robots with eyes (C1). Posthoc comparisons (Gabriel) revealed that the difference between anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) and anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) was significant, as well as the differences between caricatured robots with eyes (C1) and the following: anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), and mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5).

5.4 Mediation Analyses

The major aim of Study 2 was the test of the mediating role of perceived capabilities on evaluative outcomes as proposed in [13]. Therefore, we ran multiple mediation analyses for the RoSAS-subscales and the acceptance measure as the dependent variables.4
For each analysis, we opposed two clusters, respectively, as independent variable that turned out to differ significantly in the posthoc comparisons (e.g., C2 vs. C1). As mediators, we included all four EmCorp-subscales. The detailed results for each mediation analyses are available as supplementary material. For a better understanding of our findings, a short summary of the observed patterns can be found in Table 5. Overall, the results reveal that different acceptance ratings of robot clusters can primarily be explained through perceived Tactile Interaction and Mobility, i.e., robots that are evaluated as more capable to touch and move are more accepted in general. For some comparisons (C2 vs. C1, C5 vs. C1), (Shared) Perception and Interpretation further explained higher acceptance of robots. A similar pattern was observable for competence ratings: All pairwise differences were mediated by Tactile Interaction and Mobility, and additionally, differences between C5 and C1, as well as C4 and C5, were further mediated by (Shared) Perception and Interpretation. The perceived warmth and discomfort individuals assigned to the robots were explained by (Nonverbal) Expressiveness in the majority of the cases. Differences in warmth were also often explained by (Shared) Perception and Interpretation. This was also true for discomfort when C5 and C6 were opposed. None of the differences was mediated through Corporeality. (A simplified visualization of which capability mediates the effect on which outcome variable can be found in Figure 12).
Fig. 12.
Fig. 12. Simplified visualization of the combined results of Study 1 and Study 2. Reads from top to bottom as follows: Robots in the clusters (C1–C6) are rated as having high/medium/low capabilities measured with EmCorp (e.g., Tactile Interaction and Mobility). These further mediate the evaluation of the robots in terms of acceptance and social perception (warmth, competence, and discomfort). Detailed results of the individual cluster ratings on perceived capabilities can be found in Table 3. For details on the mediation effects, refer to Table 5 and the supplementary material. C1: caricatured robots with eyes, C2: full body, humanoid and android robots, C3: anthropomorphic but functional robots with grippers, C4: anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads, C5: mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators, C6: functional robots with grippers or wheels.
Table 5.
Dependent Variable (Y)Independent Variable (X)Mediator VariableMediationtype
  Corporeality(Nonverbal) ExpressivenessTactile Interaction and Mobility(Shared) Perception and Interpretation 
AcceptanceC2 > C1  MMfull
AcceptanceC3 > C1  M full
AcceptanceC5 > C1  MMfull
AcceptanceC3 > C4  M full
WarmthC5 > C2    no
WarmthC5 > C3 M  partial
WarmthC5 > C4 M Mpartial
WarmthC5 > C1 M Mfull
WarmthC5 > C6 M Mfull
CompetenceC2 > C1  M full
CompetenceC3 > C1  M full
CompetenceC3 > C4*  M full
CompetenceC5 > C4*  MMpartial
DiscomfortC4 > C3    no
DiscomfortC4 > C6    no
DiscomfortC5 > C3* M  partial
DiscomfortC5 > C6* M Mpartial
DiscomfortC2 > C3* M  partial
Table 5. Summary of Significant Mediators for Different Dependent Variables
Note: *Cluster comparisons marked with an asterisk only differed significantly in Study 2. M = significant Mediator.

5.5 Discussion (Study 2)

Our second study supported the findings from Study 1. As predicted in the EmCorp framework, robots in clusters with similar morphological features differ significantly in body-related capabilities as measured by the EmCorp-Scale. Additionally, mediation analyses revealed that robots’ perceived body-related capabilities further explain different assessments of robots in terms of the robot’s acceptance and robotic social attributes (i.e., warmth, competence, and discomfort). Our findings show that the sub-scales Tactile Interaction and Mobility and (Shared) Perception and Interpretation explain ratings of acceptance and competence, whereas (Nonverbal) Expressiveness and (Shared) Perception and Interpretation explain warmth and discomfort ratings. Although variance in Corporeality ratings was visible for the different robots (Table 3), Corporeality was not the distinguishing factor to explain different assessments of acceptance, warmth, competence or discomfort. This is perfectly plausible, as all stimuli were physically embodied robots (e.g., as compared with virtual characters; cf. [13]) and corporeality might hence be a neglecting factor for these comparisons.

6 Overall Discussion and Conclusion

Our major question in both studies was how differences in morphological features of physically embodied robots affect the perceived capabilities of a robot and the accompanying assessment. We built upon our earlier developed framework that initially addressed differences in the perception and evaluation of artificial entities with different embodiments [13], and expand this idea to the overall assessment of and variables. Therefore, we investigated how body-related capabilities are determined by body features incorporated in varying robot morphologies. The results of our two large online studies reveal that the capabilities humans infer from the mere appearance of robots on photographs depend on morphological features in the robots’ design. As Phillips et al. [27] argued, the presence of these features set certain expectations, for example, that a robot with body manipulators (e.g., grippers) is designed for the purpose of grasping and manipulating objects. Furthermore, our findings show that expectations and attributions evoked by the morphological appearance explain differences in robots’ assessment in terms of technology acceptance, and also on dimensions relevant for person perception, i.e., warmth, discomfort, and competence. The following sections summarize and interpret the findings gathered from the different robot clusters.

6.1 Which Morphological Features Determine Capability Perceptions in the Clusters?

Cluster 1 - Caricatured robots with eyes. Their abstract, comic-like appearance might explain why robots in this cluster were rated the least capable on all dimensions. The comic-like morphologies might trigger toy-related mental models and thus lower peoples’ expectations for a robot’s capabilities in general. The absence of manipulators and legs or wheels explains why they were perceived as incapable to touch, transport objects, and move. Although the majority of the robots possesses eye-like features, they score low on (Shared) Perception and Interpretation as well as on Nonverbal Expressiveness. This might be due to the aforementioned associations with toys that are predominantly static and incapable of perception. However, the majority of the robots in this cluster are in fact quite expressive, e.g., Keepon can move and make sounds. These dynamic features of the robots were of course not discernible from the pictures, especially when participants had not encountered the robots in real-live or video before, which is a limitation of the static approach. Corporeality was lower than in the other clusters, but still moderate (3.18 on a 6-point scale). It seems plausible that abstract appearances that resemble comic characters are rated as less “real”.
Cluster 2 - Full body, humanoid, and android robots. Robots with a full humanoid body, including legs to walk, arms and hands to grasp, a torso and a head with facial features, were rated the most sophisticated regarding all capabilities. Although only the upper body of the android robots were depicted in three cases, the robots were still assumed to be highly capable. The same could be observed for anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4). It seems that humans assume high capabilities only based on the sophisticated design of visible parts. Robots with a humanoid or android shape were also perceived as most (physically) human-like. Similarity to the human shape thus appears to be an indicator of high capabilities: if it looks like a human, it must be capable to do what humans do. Eliciting such high capability expectations through design might backfire, if the robots’ actual capabilities do not match their perceived ones. The robots were further rated as the “realest” robots (Corporeality), which suggests that humans’ definition of what makes an entity corporeal is not necessarily the differentiation between is real (robot) or is not (virtual character). Instead it seems related to a degree of realism in the kind of an entity, e.g., human-like entities are more real than functional objects, which are, however, still more real than cartoon-like entities, at least with regard to robot embodiment.
Cluster 3 - Anthropomorphic but functional robots with grippers. While robots in this cluster were perceived as capable for tactile interaction, mobility, and corporeality as were the full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), they were evaluated less capable of shared perception and expressiveness. The comparison of the robots heads shows that robots in C2 possess more surface features and more sophisticated faces (in the case of the androids), whereas the majority of the robots in C3 only have eyes, and some eyes and a mouth. Hence, possessing more body features that allow for perception and resemble human faces increase the perceived capability for shared perception and interpretation. This is an important information, since not all facial features of robots are designed for perception. Nevertheless, they do trigger expectations. On the contrary, sensors that allow for visual or sound perception might be invisible to humans but still incorporated in a robot. If it is important that the user has knowledge about the robots capabilities it might be worth to considering features that are related to humans’ perceptions of the indicated capabilities, e.g., microphones in ear-like features, or speakers in mouth-like features of a robot.
Cluster 4 - Anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads. These robots are rated moderately high on the dimensions that can be related to facial features, i.e., shared perception and nonverbal expressiveness. Despite the lack of a torso, arms, legs, or wheels, their mobility and corporeality was still rated moderately, but low in contrast to the other clusters, except for caricatured robots (C1). This supports the assumption that not only the presence of a feature (e.g., eyes) determines a capability, but beyond that the human-likeness of the feature’s design seems to produce a Halo effect and might affect judgments for other capabilities. Therefore, expressive human-like robot heads (C4) were rated as more capable than comic-like robots with eye-like features (C1) to perceive their environment. Moderate, and not high, ratings in (Nonverbal) Expressiveness could be a result of the robot’s restriction in gestures, since the items for expressiveness cover gestures as well. However, it is surprising that the same robots were rated as capable to move and manipulate objects although they do not possess a torso or legs. It seems as if the sophisticated surface looks of these robots trigger mental completion processes: human-like heads belong to full bodies, although they are not present on the pictures. This would be the same for a portrait picture of a human, where it is clear that the human has a body, although it is not visible. It is vital to mention that such misconceptions would not arise in actual encounters where the absence of a torso would be inevitably visible to the viewer.
Cluster 5 - Mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators. While the robots in C5 look quite similar as those in C3, they are rated lower regarding movement, touch, and expressiveness. This is surprising, since most of them are capable to move. However, their bodies do not resemble a human shape. They are animal-like or abstractly formed, move on a pedestal, or it is unclear from the picture whether the robot has wheels or not (e.g., Karotz). Together with the abstractness of some facial features, this reason could also explain the low ratings on (Nonverbal) Expressiveness. It has to be noted that the perception of these robots might change in a real interaction where the features that seem static on the picture are actually quite expressive (e.g., mouth and eyebrows of iCat). This positive discrepancy between the expected low capabilities and the actual higher extent might result in highly positive evaluations of these robots in actual encounters, presumed that an initial impression has been formed based on the static appearance before.
Cluster 6 - Functional robots with grippers or wheels. The function of these robots can be more easily derived from their appearance, e.g., grasp and manipulate objects. The robots are either wheeled (Roomba, Clocky) or possess manipulators (Kuka, Franka Emica) resulting in overall moderately high ratings on Tactile Interaction and Mobility. They were perceived as restricted in nonverbal expressiveness since they neither possess facial features, nor a body that could show gestures. Also, their ability to perceive the world was considered low, perhaps due to the lack of mammalian-like features indicative of perceptual abilities. Of course, many of these robots have sensors that allow for perception, e.g., collision detection. However, due to the absence of visible features, these capabilities are not as salient for these morphologies compared to the others in our study. Higher ratings in corporeality compared to more cartoon or toy-like robots as in C1 can be explained as above, i.e., industrial robots or vacuum cleaner robots can be regarded as tools that are more “real” than fictional cartoon characters. Conclusively, humans have rather low expectations for functionally-looking robots in terms of social capabilities. However, if these robots should become more interactive and integrated in social contexts, it is a socio-technical challenge to equip these robots with cues that allow human users to form adequate mental models about their capabilities which might go beyond pick-and-place.

6.2 The Role of Capability Perception in Robots’ Assessment

As outlined in the EmCorp-framework [13] and supported by the present studies, the assessment of robots can (to some extent) be explained through the expected capabilities humans attribute to them based on their morphological appearance. How capable a robot is perceived to move, touch, see, understand, and express itself determines how warm and competent a robot is rated, how much discomfort humans assume in its presence, and finally, how likely people are to accept it.

6.2.1 Warmth Assessment.

Warmth is a social attribute not typically associated with robots. However, the work by [4] (see also: [3, 31]) demonstrated that robots are judged in a social manner as well. Our findings demonstrate that the perceived warmth of robots is determined by variance in their morphologies (see differences between the clusters in Study 1 and Study 2, Table 3). Functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6) were rated the least warm in both studies. In Study 1, humanoid and android robots with a full body (C2) were rated warmer than robots in most clusters (except for anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads, C4). In Study 2, mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were rated the warmest, while no significant differences between the other clusters became significant. Furthermore, Study 2 yielded additional support that body-related capabilities explain differences in perceived robots’ warmth between the clusters. As mediation analyses show, (Nonverbal) Expressiveness explains higher warmth ratings for robots in C5 (i.e., mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators) compared to anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4), caricatured robots with eyes (C1), and functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6). Obviously, facial features appear to be crucial for warmth perception, as faces are a strong source to convey (emotional) states. But, the ratings demonstrate that not only facial features (robots in C1, C3, and C4 possess these as well), but also other features such as wheels make robots perceived as unrestricted in movement and expressions, what causes higher warmth perceptions. Highest mean ratings for the mobile robots Padbot and Miro in C5 support this (see Appendix, Table A.1). Likewise, higher ratings on (Shared) Perception and Interpretation explain why robots in C5 are perceived warmer than robots in C4, C1, and C6: Mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were rated as more sensitive towards the environment and human behavior than anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4) which possess faces but no more body-parts, caricatured robots with eyes (C1) whose design is more toy-like and can hence be regarded less sensitive to the environment, and finally functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6) which were rated lowest in (Shared) Perception and Interpretation due to their lack of human-like features.

6.2.2 Competence Assessment.

With regard to the competence participants assigned towards the robots, both studies revealed that robots in C2, C3, and C5 received higher ratings than robots in C1. Mediation analyses further showed that the differences can be explained by differences in perceived capabilities of Tactile Interaction and Mobility: Caricatured robots with eyes (C1) were rated as less competent, because they neither have features for locomotion, nor arms or grippers to manipulate objects, what caused low ratings in Tactile Interaction and Mobility. In addition, Study 2 showed that anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) and mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were both perceived as more competent than anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4). This difference was mediated through Tactile Interaction and Mobility, showing that head-only robots were perceived as restricted in movement and manipulation, and hence less competent than mobile and functional robotic platforms with grippers or wheels for locomotion, such as Roomba. Furthermore, higher competence of robots with facial and mobility features (C5) compared to robotic heads (C4), was also explained through their higher ability to perceive and interpret the environment. This can be related to the possession of bodies and mobility features in addition to facial features.

6.2.3 Discomfort Assessment.

The last dimension of robot’s social attributes according to the RoSAS-Scale was perceived feelings of discomfort. The results of both studies agree that highest discomfort was expected towards robots with heads only (C4) whereas low discomfort was assigned to functional robots with no human-like features (C6). Mediation analyses in Study 2 further yielded significant partial mediation effects: Higher ratings for perceived (Nonverbal) Expressiveness of robots in C5 and C2 explain higher discomfort ratings towards the robots compared to C3 and C6. Robots that can be described as rather functional (i.e., C3 and C6) evoke less discomfort due to their restricted expressiveness. Higher ratings for (Shared) Perception and Interpretation of mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) also explain higher discomfort ratings compared to functional robots with grippers or wheels (C6). In conclusion, facial features on mobile robots make them more capable to perceive and understand, but also evokes more discomfort in humans. According to social cognition research, warmth judgements are easily and quickly formed, whereas competence judgements require more information [9]. Applied to the assessment of robots based on pictures, competence judgements without the experience of a robots performance should be critically regarded. Still, our findings show that human participants make consistent judgements not only about sympathy-related evaluations (i.e., warmth, discomfort), but also about performance-related ones (i.e., competence). This means that consistent capability attributions and evaluations are observable if participants are forced to rate robots based on static visual stimuli. Whether these assessments hold true in actual encounters is, however, an unresolved issue.

6.2.4 Acceptance Assessment.

Since we collected data on acceptance only in Study 2, these findings were compared to those in [13]. The comparison of the clusters regarding the robots’ acceptance in Study 2 revealed a lower acceptance of caricatured robots with eyes (C1) compared to anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3), full body, humanoid and android robots (C2), and mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5). Furthermore, anthropomorphic but functional robots (C3) showed a higher acceptance by participants than anthropomorphic, expressive robot heads (C4). When we calculated mediation analyses with the body-related capabilities (EmCorp subscales) as mediators for these significant posthoc comparisons, we observed that all differences are fully mediated by Tactile Interaction and Mobility. Robots without limbs such as arms, legs, or grippers and no visible parts for locomotion such as the caricatured robots like Keepon (Figure 4), are accordingly less accepted than other robots with such features due to their restricted tactile and mobile capabilities. The difference is similar to that observed for the acceptance of a physically embodied humanoid robot (NAO) and its virtual representation on a screen [13]: A higher assigned capability for touch and movement to the robot explained why the robot received higher acceptance ratings than the virtual counterpart. Moreover, the lower ratings for caricatured robots with eyes (C1) compared with humanoid and android robots (C2), and mobile robots with facial features but no manipulators (C5) were additionally fully mediated by (Shared) Perception and Interpretation. Although all robots in C1 possess eye-like features, their ability to perceive the environment and understand others behavior is rated lower compared to those that have eyes but also other features to experience the environment, such as wheels to move (C5) or hands to grasp (C2). In line with our EmCorp-Framework, we did not observe a significant explaining role of Corporeality when comparing robots with different morphologies (regarding acceptance as well as regarding robotic social attributes). In contrast, Corporeality significantly mediated how a physically embodied humanoid robot (NAO) was accepted compared to its virtual representation in [13].

6.3 Limitations

First, making judgments about robots’ assessment on the basis of static pictures is a major limitation of the present work. Albeit, the short exposure to a picture was the most controllable possibility to expose participants to a large variety of robots. Nonetheless, we have to admit that the exposure to a picture of a robot on a screen does not equal standing in front of a robot, even if it is not moving at all. Also, with regard to the robotic heads (C4) that were rated as capable to move and touch, it is vital to mention that such misconceptions would not arise in actual encounters where the absence of a torso would be inevitably visible to the viewer. Hence, direct comparisons of capability ratings based on pictures and live exposure to the same robot will be highly informative in the future. In addition, comparisons of just observing a co-present robot versus directly interacting with it should be taken into account. As summarized above, humans seem to assume high capabilities based on the design visible in the pictures. Whether these (high) expectations endure live encounters remains an open question. Furthermore, initial expectations of a robot’s capabilities can easily change based on interaction experiences. For example, if a robot with visible features that imply vision (e.g., eyes) does not respond to motion in the environment, this should change perceptual expectations. Eliciting high capability expectations through design can hence backfire, if the robots’ actual capabilities do not match their perceived ones (e.g., [26]). On the one hand, this suggests that the evocation of certain capability expectations through a robot’s morphology should be taken seriously. On the other hand, it suggests that actual interaction experience can overwrite initial impressions in a good (“better as expected”) as well as a bad sense. Second, conducting online surveys with MTurk comes with limitations. We took several steps to ensure data quality (check questions at several points in the survey, in-depth analyses of answers). However, potential inattentiveness of respondents remains a problem. Furthermore, the rating of the robots was based on static pictures that did not reveal the size, sound, or movements of the robots. Because of that the actual co-presence of the robots, which is one key feature of physically embodied robots [18, 37], was not given. Although we believe that no actual interaction with the robots is necessary to answer the question whether morphology (which can be regarded as a stable and static feature) impacts capabilities inferred from robot appearance, it remains unclear whether the findings still apply to the same extent in dynamic environments (video or actual interaction). Third, some findings from the presented studies suggest to rethink the combination of the theoretically separated capabilities Tactile Interaction and Mobility into one sub-scale. This becomes especially visible with regard to the high ratings in Tactile Interaction and Mobility assigned to robots in cluster 5 that do not possess body manipulators to touch or carry objects. However, these robots have wheels or four legs that make them mobile. Last, the clusters in their current form subsume very different categories of robots with similar morphological features. For instance, Cluster 2 consists of full body, humanoid and android robots such as NAO and Geminoid (cf. Figure 5), which might evoke quite different reactions. Hence, further subdivisons, e.g., into humanoid and android robots, could allow for more fine grained comparisons within the presented clusters.

6.4 Contributions and Outlook

Our findings expand previous work on robot perception by adding perceived capabilities as an explanatory variable to untangle the assessment of artificial entities with varying morphology. Our results reveal that initial exposure to visual cues of robots incorporated in their morphology trigger certain expectation about their body-related capabilities, i.e., the capabilities to move in space and to touch objects, to express oneself, to share perceptions, and to be corporeal. These capability related expectations further explain why robots with different morphologies receive varying assessments in terms of acceptance but also socially relevant evaluations. This knowledge informs researchers, on the one hand, to better understand why visible morphological features of artificial entities or social robots trigger varying evaluations. On the other hand, the results are relevant to engineers and designers that aim at building robots with morphologies that match human expectations of robot’s capabilities. Regarding previous work, our results suggest that conflicting findings could be to some extent caused by different capability attributions that were caused by different morphologies of the used robots (e.g., humanoid, full body robots [8, 12, 15, 16] or zoomorphic, toy-like robots [14, 17, 19]). As HRI researchers, we are aware that viewing pictures of robots is different from experiencing the co-presence of a social robot, its size, its movement, and the accompanying motor sound. An important open question for future research is thus: Which role do morphological differences play in the assessment of robots during actual HRI? Do visible static features significantly alter how humans appraise a robot and how they react towards it? Or do static features become less salient and thus less important during live HRI when the attention is directed towards the task and the performance of a robot? Are initial impressions, as we tried to infer from the ratings of pictures, actually consequential for humans’ decision to approach or avoid a robot in real life? Can these initial expectations predict how people will behave in front of a robot? An important step to answer these questions will be the systematical variation of morphological features in live interactions. This can be realized through comparative studies that utilize different robots, e.g., robot from different clusters as presented here. Or, through variations of the visible features of one robot, e.g., by covering parts of a robot (cf. [5], or dismounting grippers (if possible). Virtual and augmented reality applications further seem to be a fruitful test bed to study the impact of morphological differences in live interactions. In addition, research on the role of robot identity and its relationship to possessing a single or multiple bodies suggest that people are able to recognize the same robot identity within a new body if certain cues such as the eyes or the voice are kept equal [20]. More research in this realm is necessary to understand whether morphological cues associated with capabilities are affected by dynamically changing robot identities. For example, it seems plausible to assume that the same robot identity in another body knows (cognitive capability) the same information, whereas it is not plausible to assume that it will be able to transport objects if the new body is not equipped with manipulators (physical capability). How this discrepancies might affect the overall assessment of a robot should be considered in future work. Furthermore, it remains open whether perceived capabilities, such as those related to embodiment (EmCorp-subscales), are stable perceptions, or whether perceived capabilities can change over time. As subsumed in the framework (Figure 1), it can be expected that contextual factors and enabled behaviors in live interactions will render certain capabilities more salient. For instance, one can expect that performance shortcomings such as dropping a cup might result in lowered ratings of the robot’s capability for tactile interaction, although it has been initially assumed to be high due to the presence of grippers. The same can be expected for a robot that has eyes that do not include vision sensors which allow for reaction to visual stimuli. Moreover, contextual factors can render certain capabilities more important than others. In a task that includes the manipulation of physical objects, like the towers of Hanoi task [cf. 14, 37], shared perception and reaching out to manipulate objects is more relevant than nonverbal expressiveness. Thus, an industrial robot such as the Kuka Gripper might be perceived as more capable for the task than a robot with a highly realistic face but no manipulators (e.g., Flobi). Future studies can expand this line of research by including capabilities beyond body-related ones, e.g., cognitive or communicative capabilities, which might also be linked to visible features of social robots.


By perceived capabilities, we mean functions that people believe robots have, regardless of whether they actually have them, because these beliefs are crucial for evaluation.
Note that we did not regard the perceived physical human-likeness of a robot as an outcome and hence did not calculate mediation analyses for this variable.

Supplementary Material

3549532.supp (3549532.supp.pdf)
Supplementary material

A Appendix

Table A.1.
EmCorp-SubscaleRobot Assessment
  CorporealityNonverbal ExpressivenessTactile Interaction & MobilityShared Perception & InterpretationPhysical Human-likenessWarmthCompetenceDiscomfortAcceptance 
 Total C13.621.142.551.232.731.283.051.1221.8721.863.742.015.151.744.031.793.030.8987
 Total C24.
 Total C34.140.842.711.184.520.813.291.0628.4022.844.051.876.171.553.471.733.740.8290
 Total C43.601.142.781.103.411.223.271.1041.8629.103.791.865.331.644.621.733.170.9988
 Total C54.
 Total C64.061.082.551.294.170.902.561.2813.8019.453.222.075.881.833.161.883.340.9187
Table A.1. Detailed Overview of Mean Values and Standard Deviation for the EmCorp Subscales, Physical Human-likeness Ratings, and Outcome Assessments per Robot


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  1. Not All Robots are Evaluated Equally: The Impact of Morphological Features on Robots’ Assessment through Capability Attributions



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    ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction  Volume 12, Issue 1
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    454 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 15 February 2023
    Online AM: 20 July 2022
    Accepted: 22 April 2022
    Revised: 07 February 2022
    Received: 28 July 2021
    Published in THRI Volume 12, Issue 1


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