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MuteIt: Jaw Motion Based Unvoiced Command Recognition Using Earable

Published: 07 September 2022 Publication History


In this paper, we present MuteIt, an ear-worn system for recognizing unvoiced human commands. MuteIt presents an intuitive alternative to voice-based interactions that can be unreliable in noisy environments, disruptive to those around us, and compromise our privacy. We propose a twin-IMU set up to track the user's jaw motion and cancel motion artifacts caused by head and body movements. MuteIt processes jaw motion during word articulation to break each word signal into its constituent syllables, and further each syllable into phonemes (vowels, visemes, and plosives). Recognizing unvoiced commands by only tracking jaw motion is challenging. As a secondary articulator, jaw motion is not distinctive enough for unvoiced speech recognition. MuteIt combines IMU data with the anatomy of jaw movement as well as principles from linguistics, to model the task of word recognition as an estimation problem. Rather than employing machine learning to train a word classifier, we reconstruct each word as a sequence of phonemes using a bi-directional particle filter, enabling the system to be easily scaled to a large set of words. We validate MuteIt for 20 subjects with diverse speech accents to recognize 100 common command words. MuteIt achieves a mean word recognition accuracy of 94.8% in noise-free conditions. When compared with common voice assistants, MuteIt outperforms them in noisy acoustic environments, achieving higher than 90% recognition accuracy. Even in the presence of motion artifacts, such as head movement, walking, and riding in a moving vehicle, MuteIt achieves mean word recognition accuracy of 91% over all scenarios.


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