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Learning Polynomial Transformations via Generalized Tensor Decompositions

Published: 02 June 2023 Publication History


We consider the problem of learning high dimensional polynomial transformations of Gaussians. Given samples of the form f(x), where xN(0,Ir) is hidden and f: ℝr → ℝd is a function where every output coordinate is a low-degree polynomial, the goal is to learn the distribution over f(x). One can think of this as a simple model for learning deep generative models, namely pushforwards of Gaussians under two-layer neural networks with polynomial activations, though the learning problem is mathematically natural in its own right.
Our first main result is a polynomial-time algorithm for learning quadratic transformations of Gaussians in a smoothed setting. Our second main result is a polynomial-time algorithm for learning constant-degree polynomial transformations of Gaussian in a smoothed setting, when the rank of the associated tensors is small. In fact our results extend to any rotation-invariant input distribution, not just Gaussian. These are the first end-to-end guarantees for learning a pushforward under a neural network with more than one layer.
While our work aims to take an initial step towards understanding why generative models perform so well in practice, the algorithmic problems that we solve along the way are also of independent interest. We give the first provably efficient algorithms for tensor ring decomposition, a popular non-commutative generalization of tensor decomposition that is used in practice to implicitly store large tensors, as well as for a new variant of matrix factorization where the factors arise from low-rank tensors.


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Published: 02 June 2023


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  1. Generative models
  2. matrix product states
  3. pushforwards
  4. sum-of-squares
  5. tensor ring decomposition
  6. unsupervised learning


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