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View all- Risberg Alaküla AHedin GFors NPop A(2024)Property probesJournal of Systems and Software10.1016/j.jss.2024.111980211:COnline publication date: 2-Jul-2024
We present property probes, a mechanism for helping a developer explore partial program analysis results in terms of the source program interactively while the program is edited. A node locator data structure is introduced that maps between ...
To improve software quality, researchers and practitioners have proposed various static tools, for various purposes (e.g., detecting bugs, anomalies, and vulnerabilities). Although many such tools are quite powerful, they typically need complete code ...
Static code checkers are usually deployed after compilation and before testing. The success of Lint, a C source code program checker from 1977, has generated many descendant tools, both open source and proprietary. The author examines three open source ...
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