We consider a switch that connects
k users over
k separate, identical links. Creation of end-to-end entanglement requires two steps. First, two-qubit Bell states are generated pairwise between a qubit stored locally at the switch and a qubit owned by a user. This can be accomplished using a number of available methods, see, e.g., Reference [
21] and references therein for an overview, as well as Appendix
A for additional detail. Once such link-level two-qubit entangled states have been created, the switch performs joint (entangling) measurements (over
\(j \ge 2\) locally held qubits that are entangled with qubits held by
j distinct users), which, if successful, produces a
j-qubit maximally entangled state between the corresponding
j users. Link-level entanglement generation, as well as entangling measurements, when realized with practical systems, are inherently probabilistic [
13]. We assume that only two-user (two-qubit) and three-user (three-qubit) entangled states are created, i.e., BSMs and 3-qubit GHZ basis measurements are done at the switch.
2 For simplicity, we assume that these
\(j = 2\) or 3 qubit measurements at the switch take negligible time and always succeed. The reasoning for the former assumption is that entanglement generation with remote nodes is likely to be more time consuming than local quantum gates and measurements performed at the central switch node—see, e.g., References [
9] for detailed descriptions of timings; see also Reference [
5] for GHZ state creation latency data obtained from a simulation. The purpose of the latter assumption is to reduce clutter during the analysis; it may be relaxed if we allow BSMs and 3-qubit GHZ basis measurements to succeed with probabilities
\(q_1\) and
3 as the only consequence would be that the bipartite and tripartite capacities
\(C_2\) and
\(C_3\) would be scaled by their respective factors.
We assume all possible bipartite and tripartite user entanglement is of interest and consider two classes of probabilistic policies, one for
\(B=1\) and the second for
\(B=2\), that provide the flexibility to generate both types of entanglement with arbitrary rates. Policies in both classes incorporate the
oldest link entanglement first(OLEF) rule whereby when a link entanglement is created it is always matched up with stored link entanglement when possible rather than be stored. This has the nice consequence, when coupled with the assumption that links are homogeneous but statistically independent, that the system can be modeled by a continuous time Markov chain where the state simply tracks the number of stored EPR pairs for two users. The next section describes the class of policies for
\(B=1\) and Section
5 for the class of
\(B=2\) policies.