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10.1145/3572848.3577490acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesppoppConference Proceedingsconference-collections

TGOpt: Redundancy-Aware Optimizations for Temporal Graph Attention Networks

Published: 21 February 2023 Publication History


Temporal Graph Neural Networks are gaining popularity in modeling interactions on dynamic graphs. Among them, Temporal Graph Attention Networks (TGAT) have gained adoption in predictive tasks, such as link prediction, in a range of application domains. Most optimizations and frameworks for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) focus on GNN models that operate on static graphs. While a few of these optimizations exploit redundant computations on static graphs, they are either not applicable to the self-attention mechanism used in TGATs or do not exploit optimization opportunities that are tied to temporal execution behavior.
In this paper, we explore redundancy-aware optimization opportunities that specifically arise from computations that involve temporal components in TGAT inference. We observe considerable redundancies in temporal node embedding computations, such as recomputing previously computed neighbor embeddings and time-encoding of repeated time delta values. To exploit these redundancy opportunities, we developed TGOpt which introduces optimization techniques based on deduplication, memoization, and precomputation to accelerate the inference performance of TGAT. Our experimental results show that TGOpt achieves a geomean speedup of 4.9× on CPU and 2.9× on GPU when performing inference on a wide variety of dynamic graphs, with up to 6.3× speedup for the Reddit Posts dataset on CPU.


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PPoPP '23: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
February 2023
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Published: 21 February 2023


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  1. dynamic graphs
  2. memoization
  3. redundancy-aware optimizations
  4. temporal graph neural networks


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