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10.1145/3579027.3608974acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessplcConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Taming the Diversity of Computational Notebooks

Published: 28 August 2023 Publication History


In many applications of Computational Science and especially Data Science, notebooks are the cornerstone of knowledge and experiment sharing. Their diversity is multiple (problem addressed, input data, algorithm used, overall quality) and is not made explicit at all. As they are heavily reused through a clone-and-own approach, the tailoring process from an existing notebook to a specific problem is cumbersome, error-prone, and particularly uncertain. In this paper, we propose a tooled approach that captures the different dimensions of variability in computational notebooks. It allows one to seek an existing notebook that suits her requirements, or to generate most parts of a new one.


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SPLC '23: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A
August 2023
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 28 August 2023


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  1. clone-and-own
  2. computational science
  3. software variability


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