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Charting the Sociotechnical Gap in Explainable AI: A Framework to Address the Gap in XAI

Published: 16 April 2023 Publication History


Explainable AI (XAI) systems are sociotechnical in nature; thus, they are subject to the sociotechnical gap-divide between the technical affordances and the social needs. However, charting this gap is challenging. In the context of XAI, we argue that charting the gap improves our problem understanding, which can reflexively provide actionable insights to improve explainability. Utilizing two case studies in distinct domains, we empirically derive a framework that facilitates systematic charting of the sociotechnical gap by connecting AI guidelines in the context of XAI and elucidating how to use them to address the gap. We apply the framework to a third case in a new domain, showcasing its affordances. Finally, we discuss conceptual implications of the framework, share practical considerations in its operationalization, and offer guidance on transferring it to new contexts. By making conceptual and practical contributions to understanding the sociotechnical gap in XAI, the framework expands the XAI design space.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 7, Issue CSCW1
April 2023
3836 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 16 April 2023
Published in PACMHCI Volume 7, Issue CSCW1

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  1. AI ethics
  2. AI governance
  3. explainable ai
  4. fate
  5. framework
  6. human-AI interaction
  7. human-centered explainable ai
  8. organizational dynamics
  9. participatory design
  10. responsible ai
  11. sociotechnical gap
  12. user study


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  • (2024)Explainable AI Frameworks: Navigating the Present Challenges and Unveiling Innovative ApplicationsAlgorithms10.3390/a1706022717:6(227)Online publication date: 24-May-2024
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  • (2024)Transparency in the Wild: Navigating Transparency in a Deployed AI System to Broaden Need-Finding ApproachesProceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency10.1145/3630106.3658985(1494-1514)Online publication date: 3-Jun-2024
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