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Addressing Practical Challenges in Acoustic Sensing To Enable Fast Motion Tracking

Published: 09 May 2023 Publication History


Motivated by many potential applications that could be enabled by acoustic motion tracking, in this paper we systematically examine the factors that limit the accuracy of acoustic tracking in practical scenarios. We identify three main challenges: (i) high mobility, (ii) low SNR, and (iii) hardware frequency response. We further show that the last two issues may exacerbate the performance issue under high mobility. We develop effective approaches to address the issues. In particular, to address high mobility, we tackle phase wrap-around using the derivative of the phase; we further estimate the Doppler shift under diverse scenarios and compensate the Doppler in channel impulse response (CIR). To address low SNR, we use a novel approach to estimate the phase shift between consecutive time intervals to effectively support time-domain beamforming and increase SNR. To tackle the uneven frequency response, we show that it is important to estimate and compensate the phase as well as the amplitude of the frequency response. Our extensive evaluation shows that each of our techniques is effective and putting them together significantly enhances the accuracy of acoustic motion tracking in general scenarios.


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  • (2024)Pushing the Limits of Acoustic Spatial Perception via Incident Angle EncodingProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/36595838:2(1-28)Online publication date: 15-May-2024

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    • (2024)Pushing the Limits of Acoustic Spatial Perception via Incident Angle EncodingProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/36595838:2(1-28)Online publication date: 15-May-2024

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